LGBTQ+ Resources

LGBTQ+ Resources 


You don't have to be OUT to come IN 


COSAM AEIO's goal is to inspire everyone to take courageous steps towards all aspects of equity and inclusive excellence. We strive to make those on Auburn University's campus feel comfortable and safe, so they can prosper and excel. Our mission to support equity and diversity is inspired by what we value, what we learn, and what we hope to create: a more inclusive environment for everyone to thrive within COSAM.

In accordance with our mission and goals we endorse a person-centered viewpoint of identity, rejecting a perspective of othering. We support the idea of “inviting others in,” rather than “coming out.” As stated by Karamo Brown, one of the stars of Netflix’s Queer Eye: “For me, coming out gives the power to the other person to accept or deny you. When you’re inviting them in, you have the power.” Like Karamo Brown, we believe the specific words people choose to use are powerful, and by calling attention to progressive issues, we aim to be supportive allies. Here is an article written on just this subject, by Rodney S. Williams, Jr.


LGBTQ+ people in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics continue to struggle to openly be themselves (Coming Out in STEM: Factors Affecting Retention). We hope that by providing students, faculty, and staff with resources to “just be,” this does not have to be anyone’s story within COSAM. In order to serve as advocates for inclusive excellence and equity our staff have undergone SafeZone training, a program designed to help us work towards our goal of creating a safe space for all students, faculty, and staff here on campus.


Campus resources can be found here.


Other internet resources:

EduMed: Scholarships for LGBTQIA+ College Students

EduMed: Creating LGBTQIA+ Friendly Communities in Healthcare and Education

Zippia's LGBTQ Workplace Resource Guide

Bill Nye On Sexuality And Gender Spectrum

10 LGBTQ Leaders Reinventing Science and Technology

500 Queer Scientists

oSTEM: Out in STEM Professional Association

Financial & Social Resources for LGBTQ Youth Experiencing Homelessness

The Top Financial Factors Impacting the LGBTQ Community