Natalia Malina
Department of Geosciences
Assistant Research Professor
Department of Geosciences
Assistant Research Professor
Research Areas:
Office: 2041 Beard Eaves Coliseum
2050 Beard Eaves Coliseum
Auburn, AL 36849
Email: nzm0065@auburn.edu
Ph.D., Environmental Chemistry, Gubkin Russian University of Oil and Gas
M.S., Environmental Protection, Gubkin Russian University of Oil and Gas
B.S., Economics, Gubkin Russian University of Oil and Gas
B.S., Environmental Protection, Gubkin Russian University of Oil and Gas
Professional Employment
Assistant Research Professor
2023 - Present
Postdoctoral Fellow, Auburn University
2020 - 2023
Postdoctoral Fellow, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
2018 - 2019
Senior Researcher, Russian Ministry of Health
2017 - 2018
Research and Teaching Interests
My research interests are investigating mechanisms of toxic organic contaminant transformation in water under complex chemical, physical and microbiological factors; environmental applications of compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA); and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) interactions with metals and toxic organic compounds.
Selected Publications
- Malina N., Mazlova E.A., Kulikova O. (2020) Markers of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) degradation in highly contaminated soil of Central Russia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. DOI:1007/s11356-020-09712-1
- Mazlova E.A., Malina N., Semenychev V.G. (2019) Study of Influence of Drilling Wastes on Black Sea Planktonic and Benthic Organisms Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils 55(5): 70-84
- Malina N., Mazlova E.A. (2017) Temporal and spatial variation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) contamination in environmental compartments of highly polluted area in Central Russia. Chemosphere 185: 227-236
- Eremina N. (maiden name of Malina N.), Paschke A, Mazlova E.A., Schüürmann G. (2016) Distribution of polychlorinated biphenyls, phthalic acid esters, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and organochlorine substances in the Moscow River, Russia. Environmental Pollution 210: 409-418
Last updated: 07/11/2024