Department of Geosciences G-SEAC

Geosciences Student Excellence and Accountability Committee



This is a draft of the commitee's charge and responsibilities


This committee is charged with supporting student excellence initiatives and accountability in Geosciences and with contributing to COSAM initiatives in these areas. G-SEAC is responsible for creating and assessing progress towards the department’s student excellence goals (e.g., climate surveys), serving as an accountability structure for the department, and depending on circumstances, advocating for issue resolutions with department leadership. G-SEAC is co-chaired by a faculty chair (appointed by Chair) and the department G-SEAC graduate assistant (G-SEAC-GA, appointed by chair following faculty vote and interview. All other faculty and student membership is voluntary (no appointments). The faculty chair is responsible for supervising the GA, serving on the relevant COSAM Committee, and serving as the department’s point-person to COSAM’s Dean of Strategic Initiatives and Programs. The GA is responsible for organizing monthly G-SEAC meetings and conducting a semesterly student-only town hall. The faculty chair and GA share responsibilities.


  • Be a student leader for the G-SEAC
  • Assist in planning and coordinating events facilitated by the G-SEAC committee
  • Attend faculty meetings and retreats to brief accomplishments or in-progress work
  • Design and conduct Climate surveys to faculty and students every year and work with G-SEAC and the Department Chair to make actionable plan and develop new initiatives based on the survey results
  • Assist GPO to update Graduate Student Handbook on student training, professional development, and issues
  • Help G-SEAC to develop a process of filing a student complaint or resolving conflicts
  • Assist in outreach to HBCUs, K-12 schools, community organizations, and alumni to build new collaborations and partnerships
  • Assist in publicizing and recognizing scholarly accomplishments and contributions of our students
  • Support communications (e-Geotiger, webpages update) and social media operations
  • Contribute to student learning/training needs of Geosciences
  • Assist with recruiting and supporting the colloquium series and/or workshops for Geosciences5) Require Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity statements for every job applicant in the department.