COSAM News Articles 2024 01 Auburn hosts American Statistical Association's Alabama-Mississippi chapter meeting showcasing student research

Auburn hosts American Statistical Association's Alabama-Mississippi chapter meeting showcasing student research

Published: 04/27/2024

Auburn recently hosted the Alabama-Mississippi chapter meeting for the American Statistical Association (ASA), an event aimed at fostering networking and showcasing student research in statistics and data science. The conference, held on April 13, drew a diverse group of 65 participants from both states.

Elvan Ceyhan, from Auburn’s Department of Mathematics and Statistics and the upcoming president of the chapter, remarked on the importance of the event for building professional and academic connections. "This conference serves as a platform for facilitating connections between researchers and students across our two states," Ceyhan explained, also noting Auburn’s emerging role in these regional meetings. Auburn has joined as the fifth key institution to host this annual event, expanding the traditional rotation among Mississippi State University, Ole Miss, the University of Mississippi Medical Center, and the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

Michelle Zhou of Mississippi State University, current president of the chapter, highlighted the conference's role in community building: "The purpose of ASA is to build a community and encourage cross-institution collaboration. We focus on empowering students to present their research, fostering conversations that can lead to future collaborations."

The conference prominently featured student contributions, with all speakers except the keynote and all poster presentations delivered by students. The keynote address was given by Ping Ma from the University of Georgia, who discussed recent advances in quantum computing and their implications for statistical computing. His insights were particularly well-received, with community members expressing keen interest in the emerging field. "The dialogue with other participants has led to suggestions for additional resources, which has been incredibly valuable," shared one attendee from the community.

In recognition of outstanding contributions, the conference awarded seven accolades, including three for posters and four for presentations, celebrating the innovative work of participating students. William Mitchell from Mississippi State University appreciated the variety of topics discussed, saying, "I’ve enjoyed hearing about the wide range of applications of statistics today, especially the discussions around quantum computing."

As the fields of data science and statistics continue to grow, Auburn's role in this annual conference highlights its commitment to advancing these disciplines and supporting its students in their professional growth. The conference not only promotes significant academic exchanges but also lays the groundwork for future collaborations and advancements in statistical research within the region.

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