COSAM News Articles 2024 01 Join us for the Science of Brewing on April 11 at the New Realm Brewing Company Hey Day Market

Join us for the Science of Brewing on April 11 at the New Realm Brewing Company Hey Day Market

Published: 04/07/2024

By: Maria Gebhardt

“In this Science Café, you can learn how beer is made, from the raw ingredients to the final product,” said Dr. Bruce Smith, professor and director of Auburn University Research Initiative in Cancer at the College of Veterinary Medicine. “While the production of beer is often called an ‘art’, I want to give the audience a glimpse into the science behind how beer is made, and also how brewers make different kinds of beers, and why they have the associated aroma, color, and taste.”

Homebrewing dates back thousands of years and more than a million people each year in the United States brew their own tasty, fermented concoctions. But do you know what goes to make your favorite beer?

“The science behind beer is also a great example of interdisciplinary science, since it ranges from horticulture (growing hops and grain) to chemistry (water composition, pH, Maillard reactions, etc.), to microbiology (yeast culture and genetics),” he said.

During this event, you will more about the foundation of brewing.

“However, attendees should not fear, the ‘sciency bits’ will be presented at a fun and accessible level,” he explained. “I will cover most of the basic processes in brewing including malting, mashing, boiling, chilling, fermentation, and packaging (and maybe something about drinking too).”

This Science Café will take place this Thursday, April 11 at 6 p.m. at the New Realm Brewing Company inside the Hey Day Market.

Science Café is hosted by the Office of STEM Outreach in the College of Sciences and Mathematics.

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