Jennifer Ryan

Bobby Jon Drinkard

As GEDI celebrates its 40th class of the Intensive Economic Development Training Course, we have been chatting with some of our course alumni to learn where they are now and how their participation in the program has impacted their professional careers.

Bobby Jon Drinkard currently serves as the Assistant Director, Central Alabama for Alabama Industrial Development Training (AIDT). Mr. Drinkard is a graduate of Intensive Class 2012.

Q & A with Bobby Jon

Job while attending the Intensive Program:

  • I was a Project Manager with AIDT when I attended Intensive.

Career highlights since graduating Intensive:

  • In 2018 I was promoted to Training Manager at AIDT. In 2023, I was promoted to Assistant Director for Central Alabama.

Favorite thing about the Intensive course:

  • I would have to say the knowledge shared from economic development subject matter experts that not only are speaking about best practices, but from a practical perspective share with you the “how to” when it comes to best practice implementation. That’s what really stood out to me. The line up of speakers at GEDI not only share with you what to do, but how to do it. That is very valuable information for anyone starting out in economic development.

Biggest lesson you learned through Intensive:

  • I would have to say the 3 infrastructure pillars of economic development I learned in GEDI, I still carry with me to this day: 1.) Physical Infrastructure 2.) Human Infrastructure 3.) Civic Infrastructure. Without it, there is no project!

Are you still in contact with people you met through Intensive?

  • Absolutely! When I went through the course most of my GEDI classmates were just starting out in economic development. Today, those same classmates have now become Mayors, IDB Executive Directors, Legislators, College Presidents, etc., in their respective communities. Those relationships are very strong and have continued to help my career!

What would you tell someone who is considering going through Intensive but not sure if they can make the time or financial commitment?

  • Obviously, it’s a two-week commitment. However, the relationships and knowledge gained from GEDI is worth the time and financial commitment. I’ve been doing this for 18 years. There is not an Economic Development playbook for Alabama that exists anywhere. However, at GEDI there actually is a “playbook” for Economic Development in Alabama. You will never look back and second guess yourself for completing the program. It’s worth every minute.

Final Thoughts:

  • Auburn’s Intensive Economic Development Training program is one of the best out there. Personally, it really opened my eyes to what Economic Development in Alabama consists of. There are best practices I learned from the course, that I still carry with me and use to this day. From how Economic Development started in this state, to anticipating future trends and technology, this course is totally worth it for someone just starting out or looking to refresh their skillset.

Last Updated: October 10, 2024