Certified Revenue Examiner

In accordance with the Alabama Local Tax Procedures Act, the Alabama Local Tax Institute of Standards and Training (ALTIST) and the Government & Economic Development Institute at Auburn University administer the Alabama Certified Revenue Examiner Program.

This program certifies private examiners of sales and use tax accounts to enhance professionalism and integrity in the examination of business records; develop competence in the conduct of examinations and compliance with Alabama laws governing sales, use, rental, and related taxes; and assist private examiners to remain current in their field through continuing education.

Program Objectives
  • To ensure professionalism and integrity in the examination of business records
  • To ensure competence in the conduct of examinations and compliance with Alabama laws governing sales, use, rental and related taxes
  • To ensure that private examiners remain current in their field through continuing education

ALTIST Certified Auditors’ Hotline number 1-855-638-7092 or 334-844-4706. Policy concerning this hotline.


The following are requirements for this program:

  • A Bachelor's degree in Accounting and two years’ experience in performing audits in tax and licensing
  • Licensure of firms employing examiners
  • Licensure of individuals conducting examinations
  • Completion of the Certified Revenue Examiner education program as developed by the Alabama Local Tax Institute of Standards and Training
Course Description
  • Course 1: Sales and Use Tax Examination – The Legal Environment, 15 hours

    This course addresses local tax procedures, constitutional issues, and recent legal issues affecting local government revenue examiners. Participants will discuss nexus issues such as the Yelverton case, as well as recent Attorney General opinions relevant to and impacting local revenue examiners. Attention will be given to the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights, Uniform Revenue Procedures Act, Tax Simplification Act, Local Tax Procedures Act, and procedures for appeal.

  • Course 2: Minimum Examination Program for Local Government Revenue Examiners, 15 hours

    This course provides valuable information to enable local government revenue examiners to competently conduct examinations of business records with professionalism, integrity, and uniformity in accordance and compliance with Alabama laws governing sales, use, rental and related taxes. Participants will also discuss recent court rulings to remain current in their field. At the completion of this course, participants should be able to describe and perform an effective and efficient minimum examination.

  • Course 3: Understanding Laws and Regulations Governing Local Government Revenue, 15 hours

    This course focuses on the abilities to reconstruct income by indirect methods, use tax law, and taxes associated with leasing or renting. Also addresses audit procedures for taxpayers declaring bankruptcy, definitions of types of bankruptcies, and how to deal with statutes of limitations.

  • Course 4: Examination Tools and Techniques, 20 hours

    This course focuses on the Audit Sampling process, and includes subjects, such as the relationship of sampling and auditing standards, various sampling techniques, and the difference between non-statistical and statistical auditing sampling. There will also be discussion on Internal Control and what internal control means to an auditor.

CRE Coursework

Completion of 65 hours of coursework approved by the ALTIST Board ( three 15 hour tested courses and one 20 hour tested course within two years from taking the first course. Attendees will be required to be In Person for all Core courses as of January 1, 2025.

Continuing Education Coursework

Completion of 40 hours of continuing education each year to retain certification; at least eight hours must be earned through the ALTIST Certified Revenue Examiner Annual Update Course. The remainder of the 40-hour requirement can be obtained through any approved CPE courses recognized by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy, as well as courses offered by the County Revenue Officers Association of Alabama, Government Finance Officers Association or by the Alabama Municipal Revenue Officers Association.

Registration/Cancellation Rule:

Provided that space is available, receipt of the registration form constitutes registration. Written cancellations, received fifteen (15) working days prior to the beginning of the program will be honored with a partial refund of the registration fee, but will be assessed a $50 administrative charge. Due to commitments to instructors and meeting facilities, late cancellations or non-attendance will not be refunded. Substitutions for registered participants may be made at any time.


For lodging, please refer to the following websites for the following areas. Please note that Auburn does not endorse the following sites.

ALTIST Certified Revenue Examiner Education Program, FY 2025 & 2026

Required Classes for Certification:
  • May 21-23, 2025 – CRE III: Understanding Laws and Regulations Governing Local Government Revenue , 15 hours
    • Location: 'Hybrid'; 'Virtual & Lee County Training Center, Opelika'
    • Fee: $380
  • November 5-7, 2025 – CRE I: Sales and Use Tax Examination – The Legal Environment , 15 hours
    • Location: 'Hybrid'; 'Virtual & Lee County Training Center, Opelika'
    • Fee: $380
  • May 13-15, 2026 – CRE IV: Examination Tools and Techniques , 20 hours
    • Location: 'Hybrid'; 'Virtual & Lee County Training Center, Opelika'
    • Fee: $380
  • November 18-20, 2026 – CRE II: Minimum Examination Program for Local Government Revenue Examiners , 15 hours
    • Location: 'Hybrid'; 'Virtual & Lee County Training Center, Opelika'
    • Fee: $380

Continuing Education:
  • March 28, 2025 – Special Topics - 'Learned Professions/Restaurants & Bars' , 8 hours
    • Location: Virtual
    • Fee: $200
  • June 6, 2025 – Special Issues AM & PM 'EXCEL Training' , 4 hours each/8 hours total
    • Location: Hybrid (Virtual & Lee County Training Center, Opelika)
    • Fee: $145
  • August 8, 2025 – Mandated Update (1st Offering) , 8 hours
    • Location: Virtual
    • Fee: $250
  • October 17, 2025 – Mandated Update (2nd Offering) , 8 hours
    • Location: Virtual
    • Fee: $250

Dates and Venues subject to change.

2025 CRE/GTA Classes are open for registration. For questions please contact the GEDI department at 334-844-4782 or GEDI@auburn.edu.

Annual CRE Continuing Education Reporting

All ALTIST Certified Revenue Examiners (CREs) register annually with the ALTIST program office at the Government & Economic Development Institute (GEDI) at Auburn University. CRE Continuing Education (CE) must be reported annually through an online reporting process. All continuing education will now be reported through an online link. You will continue to list the hours achieved through online, self-study, teaching and the 8-hour update class. If hours were taken through programs outside of GEDI, all backup proof of completion must be uploaded along with your application signature page. It is best to scan all documents into one file for uploading, but we have provided several upload opportunities. The Annual CE Reporting is due through the online process no later than January 31 of each year. CE hour credits must be earned during the designated calendar year and completed by December 31 of that year.

Continuing Education submissions after January 31 of the year following the reporting year are considered delinquent and certification will be voided. At that time the employer will be notified of the certification cancellation and the inability of the employee to perform audits. If you cannot meet the CE requirements by the December 31 deadline, due to reasonable cause (such as a medical emergency, military services, etc.), please check the request for Inactive Status at the beginning of the online form.

ALTIST CREs who hold an annual permit to practice must complete 40 hours of approved CE credit during the calendar year that begins on January 1 of each year and ends on December 31 of the same year. Private Examiners must also submit proof of annual business license for the reporting year.

At least 8 hours must be through attendance at the ALTIST Certified Revenue Examiner Annual Update Course. At the current time, all 40 hours can be achieved through online or distance learning classes. Any request of acceptance of non-sponsored coursework must be submitted to the ALTIST Continuing Education Committee, via GEDI, at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the coursework. No more than 8 hours in behavioral courses will be accepted. College courses taken for actual college credit cannot be applied to the continuing education requirement. However, college courses taken specifically for continuing education re-certification credit may be accepted.


Documentation of CE courses completed outside of the ALTIST CRE program must be submitted with CE Reporting each year. CE completion records should be retained for a minimum of three years.

Certification Revocation

After a lapse of certification due to lack of sufficient continuing education hours, a certification is suspended on March 31 of the year following the failure to complete the required hours. The certification will remain suspended until the annual requirements for renewal are met. At that time, the Certified Revenue Examiner must apply to the ALTIST Board for reinstatement.

The certification will also be suspended if an examiner completes the required coursework, but fails to return all necessary documentation and verification for the certification process, and/or neglects to obtain the required hours of continuing education required for continued certification for a period of three (3) years.

After three (3) years of suspension of certification, whether it is due to a lapse of sufficient continuing education hours, or failure to complete the verification and certification application process, an applicant must successfully repeat all the requirements for certification, including successful completion of all required course work.

Newly Certified Examiners

CE hours are not required during the yearly reporting period for individuals new to the CRE program and certified after December 31 of the previous reporting year.

Address Changes

It is your responsibility to inform GEDI in writing of any change of address and/or change in your business affiliation.

As of January 31, 2025 this is a list of Active Private Examiners who have passed the certification process. It is the responsibility of a Private Examiner to be bonded and licensed. This list does not include Certified Revenue Examiners who are employed within City, County, or State agencies and are not required, by law, to complete the CRE certification program.

(Alphabetized by Certification Date)

Full Name Organization Certificate Number Certification Date
Gary W. Muns Avenu Insights & Analytics 49030 7/1/2001
Tom Simpson Rivertree Systems, Inc. 49034 7/1/2001
J. Drew Trobaugh Trobaugh & Company, LLC 49042 7/1/2001
David Wages Rivertree Systems, Inc. 49043 7/1/2001
Darryl R. Talley Darryl R Talley, CPA, P.C. 49080 7/9/2004
Kenneth W. Ware Rivertree Systems 49114 3/3/2006
Leslie Payne Avenu Insights & Analytics 49172 7/24/2009
Christopher Wills Avenu Insights & Analytics 49181 5/13/2010
Rachel Parker Avenu Insights & Analytics 49193 6/22/2012
Randy Hazel Avenu Insights & Analytics 49195 2/22/2013
Shana Woods Avenu Insights & Analytics 49194 2/22/2013
Cassie Tubbs Avenu Insights & Analytics 49201 8/8/2013
Julie Hall Blair Avenu Insights & Analytics 49205 5/30/2014
Margaret J. Michaelis Avenu Insights & Analytics 49206 5/30/2014
Joy P. McKee Trobaugh & Company LLC 49218 5/10/2016
Jeremy Lathem RiverTree Systems, Inc. 49222 9/15/2016
John Lee Pearce Avenu Insights & Analytics 49225 12/2/2016
Brian Cozzone Rivertree Systems Inc. 49232 9/7/2017
Katelynn Bellew Avenu Insights & Analytics-Audit Dep 49254 8/9/2019
Hugh Tompkins Rivertree Systems Inc. 49253 8/9/2019
Ashley Oliver HdL Companies 49259 10/6/2020
Jeannie Herrington Rivertree Systems, Inc. 49270 9/22/2022
Jacob McCollum Avenu Insights & Analytics - Audit Dept. 49267 9/22/2022
James Fleischman Avenu Insights & Analytics 49276 1/26/2024
James Smith Avenu Insights & Analytics 49277 1/26/2024

Last Updated: February 13, 2025