Jennifer Ryan

Jacqueline Chandler

As GEDI celebrates its 40th class of the Intensive Economic Development Training Course, we have been chatting with some of our course alumni to learn where they are now and how their participation in the program has impacted their professional careers.

Jacqueline Chandler is currently the Corporate Affairs Manager at Brasfield & Gorrie. Ms. Chandler is a graduate of Intensive Class 2018.

Q & A with Jacqueline

Job while attending the Intensive Program?

  • City of Auburn’s Economic Development Department; Director of Industrial Development

Career highlights since graduating Intensive?

  • I have since moved to Birmingham, I began my role of Corporate Affairs Manager with Brasfield & Gorrie, have been recognized as a top Woman in Tech in 2023, and have become the chair of the Economic Development Association of Alabama (EDAA) Young Professionals group.

Favorite thing about the Intensive course?

  • Making connections with other economic developers across the state.

Biggest lesson you learned through Intensive?

  • The biggest lesson I learned was how important relationships are in the economic development world.

What would you say to someone who is considering coming to the Intensive course but is maybe on the fence about making the time and financial commitment to attend?

  • DO IT! The GEDI Intensive Program was a key marker of progress as I began my economic development career. It is a must do for anyone entering the economic development field!

Last Updated: July 30, 2024