Jennifer Ryan

Juliana Bolivar

As GEDI celebrates its 40th class of the Intensive Economic Development Training Course, we have been chatting with some of our course alumni to learn where they are now and how their participation in the program has impacted their professional careers.

Juliana Bolivar currently serves as the Director of the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at Troy University. Ms. Bolivar is a graduate of Intensive Class 2021.

Q & A with Juliana

Job while attending the Intensive Program:

  • Director, Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at Troy University

Career highlights since graduating Intensive:

  • Since completing the course, I have continued in my role as the Director of the Alabama SBDC at Troy University, leading impactful initiatives aimed at supporting small business growth and economic development across the Wiregrass region. Through my leadership, we’ve launched several new programs that provide entrepreneurs with the tools they need to secure funding, develop their brands, and scale their operations successfully. I was honored with the 2023 State Star award for my exemplary performance and recognized nationally in the 40 Under 40 by the SBDC Network. In 2024, I received the Wiregrass Outstanding Woman and Prelude of the Tri-State awards for my ongoing work in fostering economic development and promoting multiculturalism in the region.

Favorite thing about the Intensive course:

  • My favorite part was the depth of knowledge shared by experienced professionals in the field. The insights they provided were invaluable, and the friendships and connections I made there have lasted.

Biggest lesson you learned through Intensive:

  • The biggest lesson I took away was the importance of networking and community building. Understanding how to forge strong relationships with stakeholders is a skill I use daily in my role at the SBDC.

Concepts learned in Intensive that you still use today:

  • The Intensive program gave me practical insights that have been invaluable in my professional journey. It helped expand my network and provided tools I still use today to create meaningful impact. The relationships I built there continue to support the work I do to this day.

Are you still in contact with people you met through Intensive?

  • Yes, I am still in contact with several colleagues from the Intensive. These relationships have been valuable as we continue to support each other’s work in economic development across the state.

What would you tell someone who is considering going through Intensive but not sure if they can make the time or financial commitment?

  • I would tell them it’s one of the best investments they can make in their professional development. The knowledge, skills, and connections you gain will far outweigh the time or financial commitment.

Last Updated: October 4, 2024