Jennifer Ryan

McCall Lugo

As GEDI celebrates its 40th class of the Intensive Economic Development Training Course, we have been chatting with some of our course alumni to learn where they are now and how their participation in the program has impacted their professional careers.

McCall Lugo currently serves as the Economic Development Manager for the Baldwin County Economic Development Alliance. Ms. Lugo is a graduate of Intensive Class 2023.

Q & A with McCall

Job while attending the Intensive Program:

  • I was the Marketing Coordinator for Baldwin County Economic Development Alliance during week 1 and Economic Development Manager by the time I graduated in week 2.

Career highlights since graduating Intensive:

  • After getting promoted from Marketing Coordinator to Economic Development Manager and settling into my role, I spearheaded the launch of ‘Belong in Baldwin‘, a talent attraction campaign designed to connect and support young professionals considering a career in Baldwin County. This initiative focuses on addressing the challenges of retaining and attracting talent by highlighting the unique quality of life and career opportunities our region offers.

    Additionally, the Baldwin County Economic Development Alliance has earned four International Economic Development Awards, one of which specifically recognizes the ‘Belong in Baldwin’ talent report.

Favorite thing about the Intensive course:

  • I attended the course during my first few weeks with the Baldwin County Economic Development Alliance, and it was truly an incredible, dare I say intense, introduction to the best practices and success stories of economic development. This, along with the cherished connections made amongst my cohort, propelled me into this industry with the knowledge, confidence, and support system that continue to shape my work to this day.

Biggest lesson you learned through Intensive:

  • The biggest lesson I learned was that success depends on collaboration, and collaboration is built on relationships. This, in addition to the real-world knowledge I gained, gave me a solid foundation as an economic developer.

Are you still in contact with people you met through Intensive?

  • Absolutely! Some connections that have shaped my career the most came from my intensive cohorts. These connections have been invaluable in my career, providing a support network of professionals I can rely on for advice, collaboration, and new ideas.

What would you tell someone who is considering going through Intensive but not sure if they can make the time or financial commitment?

  • I would tell them that investing the time and resources into the Intensive course is absolutely worth it. The knowledge, skills, and connections you gain are invaluable. The course gives you a comprehensive understanding of best practices, and the relationships you build with peers and industry leaders will be unmatched.

Final Thoughts:

  • The Auburn University Intensive Economic Development Training Course was instrumental in building my foundation as an economic developer. Beyond the knowledge gained, the connections and friendships I made have resulted in a lasting network of supporters and collaborators. I’m truly grateful for the opportunities and relationships that grew out of this experience.

Last Updated: October 10, 2024