Faculty Outreach and Engagement Council (FOEC) and Outreach and Engagement Community of Practice (OECOP)

FOEC Purpose Statement

The Faculty Outreach and Engagement Council (FOEC), in an advisory capacity - champion, advocate, promote, and support Auburn University Outreach, community/public/civic engagement, extension and engaged scholarship carried out by faculty, staff, students, and community partners.

OECOP Working Purpose Statement

The Outreach and Engagement Community of Practice (OECOP) is a collective of Auburn University faculty, staff and students who produce timely, impactful and responsive outreach, community engagement, applied research, extension and engaged scholarship; and who seek to advance the outreach and engagement enterprise, and actively learn how to apply best practices as they interact regularly.

FOEC & COP Joint Purpose

FOEC & COP Joint Purpose: a collective of Auburn University faculty, staff and students who produce, champion, and advise outreach, community engagement, applied research, extension and engaged scholarship; to advance the outreach and engagement enterprise and actively learn how to apply timely, impactful, and responsive best practices as they interact regularly.

Next Joint Faculty Outreach and Engagement Council and Community of Practice Meetings
  • Friday, March 29, 2024 at Pebble Hill, 11:15 A.M. - 1:15 P.M.

Use the button below to submit news, events, and announcements for publication in the bi-monthly digest for the Community of Practice and Faculty Outreach and Engagement Council.

Collegiate Outreach Units, Facilities, and Sustained Initiatives

Bi-Monthly Digest Archive

This digest is a curation of new and ongoing Outreach and Engagement information from various Academic Units; in addition to announcements and reminders from the Council and Community of Practice meetings.

University-Wide Units with Outreach Programs
Previous Meeting Materials

Archive of Materials

Last Updated: June 18, 2024