Required Materials:
1. "Materials Science and Engineering an Introduction" by William D, Callister, 8th edition.
Course Description:
This course is designed to give a thorough insight into the basic fundamentals of materials science. It also provides an overview of materials science and engineering as a basis for understanding how structure/property/processing relationships are developed and used for different types of materials. It is divided into three parts; 1) the solid state science of materials, 2) physical properties and behavior of materials, and 3) the structure/properties relationships of materials. Topics covered include:
1. Atomic structure, electronic structure, chemical bonding
2. Crystal structure, x-rays and x-ray diffraction, defect structure
3. Basic electric and magnetic properties of materials
4. Microstructure and structure-property relationships
5. Phase diagrams
6. Cold work and annealing, precipitation hardening, and heat treatment of steels
7. Introduction to the properties and selection of metals, ceramics, and polymers for design and manufacturing
MATL 5700/6700/6706 BIOMATERIALS (FALL 2021)
Required Materials:
1. "An Introduction to Materials in Medicine" by B. D. Ratner, A. S. Hoffman, F. J. Schoen, J. E. Lemons. Elsevier, 1996.
Course Description:
This course is designed to provide fundamental understanding of biomaterials and interactions between materials and proteins, cells, and tissue as related to medicine and biotechnology including tissue culture, cardiovascular, drug delivery, tissue engineering and other applications. The course objective is to develop a firm understanding of the fundamental materials science & engineering principles underlying synthetic/engineered materials used in biology, biotechnology, and biomedicalapplications. Following a general introduction to the biomaterials and the classes of materials used in biology and medicine, we will discuss surface properties and characterization of biomaterials and surface protein interactions. Subsequent chapters will address practical aspects of biomaterials in implants, devices, state-of-art applications, new emerging directions and the issues unique in this field. Topics covered include:
1. Introduction to Biomaterials
2. Classes of Materials Used in Medicine
3. Surface Properties of Biomaterials
4. Protein/Cell-Surface Interactions
5. Surface Modification of Biomaterials
6. Biomaterials Characterizations
7. Controlled Drug Delivery and Release
8. Biomaterials for Implants and Devices
9. Biomaterials in Tissue Engineering
MATL 5300/6300/6306 Phase Transformations in Materials Processing
Required Materials:
1. "Phase Transformations in Metal and Alloy" by DAVID A. PORTER, KENNETH E. EASTERLING, and MOHAMED Y. SHERIF, Third edition.
Course Description:
This course aims to elucidate the mechanisms controlling the rates of structural/chemical changes in materials. The course examines quantitative diffusion theory and practical applications. The course considers nucleation and growth as a mechanism for phase transformations. The course then goes on to look at examples of the application of phase transformations in materials processing. Topics covered include:
1. Materials kinetics
2. Stable, metastable and unstable conditions
3. Diffusion
4. Diffusion in alloys
5. Phase diagrams
6. Nucleation theory
7. Materials growth
8.Applications of solidification theory
MATL 7630 Nanomaterials for Biotechnology
Required Materials:
1. R.W. Kelsall, I.W. Hamley,M. Geoghegan, Nanoscale Science and Technology, Wiley, 2005.
C.M. Niemeyer, C.A. Mirkin,Nanobiotechnology: Concepts, Applications and Perspectives, Wiley, 2004.
Course Description:
This course is designed to provide fundamental understanding of nanomaterials and the state-of-art applications for Biotechnology in the interdisciplinary fields of Materials Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Chemistry, Biophysics, Biomedical Engineering and Medicine.Following a general introduction to the nanoworld and a description of the differentproperties emerging at the nanoscale and related characterizationmethods, we will discusssynthesis methods, properties and applications of engineered nanomaterials. Subsequent chapters will addressengineering aspects (micro-and nanofabrication, self-assembly, micro-andnanofluidics) of biosensors,biomedical imaging,drug delivery,lab-on-chips and biological/medical microdevices. Thepresentation of new emerging directions and the implicationsof bionanotechnology willconclude this course. Topics coverd include:
1. Introduction to NanoBiotechnology
2. Classifications of Nanomaterials(Metal Nanoparticles, Carbon Nanomaterials, Polymeric Nanomaterials, Nanocomposites)
3. Nanomaterial Characterizations
4. Nanomaterials for Biosensing
5. Nanomaterials
for Biomedical Imagaging
6. Nanomaterials for Drug Delivery
7. NanoMedicine and Health Care
8. Nano/Microfluidics and Biomicroarray
9. Implications of Nanotechnology (Nanobiosafety-“Protein Corona")