Students sit on a bench

Next Step Reality Check

Regions Next Step Reality Check is an interactive and engaging way for Auburn students to learn about building and balancing a budget. The goal is to make the assigned decisions during the course and complete the experience with a budget surplus. During Reality Check, students will be assigned a persona and then select real-life options that will directly impact their budget.





Regions Next Step Reality Check - is an interactive and engaging way for students to learn about building and balancing a budget through Next Step Reality Check.

The objective is to experientially teach students the basics of budgeting, smart money decision-making and what it may be like to make tough financial choices through role playing an assigned persona. For many students, this will be the first time that they will “walk a mile” in the shoes of a single working mother, or young earner who is also repaying student loans, a car loan and a mortgage.

This learning activity is flexible enough that it can be administered to small groups of students or large ones depending upon Auburn’s preferences. Regions has experienced success pairing this experience with a group debrief at the end to discuss the budgeting pros and cons, so everyone can learn from those who experienced particularly challenging situations.


Experientially teach students the basics of budgeting, smart money decision-making and what it will really be like to manage their finances when they are adults.


Regions Next Step Reality Check is an interactive and engaging way for students to learn about building and balancing a budget. The goal is to make the assigned decisions during the course and complete the experience with a budget surplus. During Reality Check, students will be assigned a persona and them select real-life options that will directly impact their budget.

Preparing for Tomorrow Today

The financial impact of covid-19 on Auburn students

I work on campus and this summer we lost a month of work and now that school is started back we have had so many workers become exposed through work that I'm mervous myself. I can not afford to not work.

Last updated: October 13, 2020