Major Julio C. Walker
Director of Staff
Major Julio C. Walker is an Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies, and Operations Officer, AFROTC Det 005, Auburn University, Auburn AL. In this capacity, he instructs junior level courses on leadership, supervision, mentoring, ethics, and professionalism. He has the responsibility for training, mentoring, and preparing cadets to become Air Force Officers. He previously served as Program Manager of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration, 453d Electronic Warfare Squadron, leading efforts to incorporate AI into global threat change detection “flagging” operations, technical SIGINT, and near real-time electromagnetic spectrum analysis. Major Walker previous instructor experience includes serving as the Chief instructor EW for Detachment 1, WPC, at the Tactical Leadership Programme, Albacete Spain. His primary duty was teaching EW and ISR to NATO partner nations, while maintaining combat mission ready status as a mission crew commander on the RC-135V/W. Furthermore, he culminated his time at Offutt AFB as a school house instructor/evaluator Electronic Warfare Officer (EWO) and Mission Crew Commander (MCC) on the RC-135 V/W RIVET JOINT. He accomplished additional specialized training such as Non-Kinetics Operations and Execution, Electronic Warfare Coordination and Planning, Air Operations Center Operations, and Contingency Warfare Planning Course graduate.
Maj Walker received his commission through Air Force ROTC at Texas State University. His assignments include various flying and staff assignments at squadron and MAJCOM level, including USAFE HQ at Ramstein AB. Major Walker has served in Operations IRAQI FREEDOM, ENDURING FREEDOM, INHERENT RESOLVE and RESOLUTE SUPPORT. He is an electronic warfare officer with over 2600 hours and 1300 combat hours in the RC-135V/W RIVET JOINT and 12 deployments to the Middle East, Japan, South America, Red Flag, and Europe
2004 Bachelor of Fine Arts, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX
2005 Combat System Officer Training, Randolph AFB, TX
2006 Electronic Warfare Training, Randolph AFB, TX
2011 Squadron Officer School, Maxwell AFB, TX
2013 Masters Human Relations, The University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
2016 Air Command and Staff College, Maxwell AFB, AL (correspondence)