Technical Sergeant Andrew D. Gossett
Operations Superintendent
TSgt Andrew D. Gossett is the Operations Superintendent for AFROTC Detachment 005, Air Force Education and Training Command (AETC), Auburn University, Alabama. He supervises operations pertaining to Leadership Laboratory, administrative functions including medical qualifications, and the Defense Travel Systems. TSgt Gossett is also the assistant instructor for Aerospace Studies 100 curriculum.
Technical Sergeant Gossett enlisted in the Air Force February 2006. He graduated from the Vehicle Operations apprentice course in May 2006. He has held various positions within the logistics realm taking part in multiple joint service and multinational operations, which strengthened the bond between our sister service and allies. Prior to his current position, TSgt Andrew D. Gossett is the NCOIC of Training Validations & Operations at 55th Logistics Readiness Squadron, Offutt AFB, Nebraska.
In 2007 & 2009 he was delpoyed to the 1144th & 57th Joint Logistics Task Force 70th and 424th Medium Trcuk Detachment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. During this time, he served as Lead Vehicle Commander for two teams and completed over thirty missions to Forward Operating Bases throughout Iraq. His efforts warranted him the Army Accomodation Medal, two Army Achievement Medals, the Army Combat Action Badge, and the Army Driver's Badge.
2006 Vehicle Operations Apprentice Course, Fort Leonard Wood, MO
2007 Basic Combat Convoy Course, Camp Anderson Peters, TX
2011 Airman Leadership School, Eglin Air Force Base, FL
2013 HAZMAT Preparer & Certifier Course, Eglin Air Force Base, FL
2016 Associates Degree, Transportation Management, Community College of the Air Force
2017 Non-Commissioned Officer Academy, Keesler AFB, MS
2021 Joint Enlisted Professional Military Education, National Defense University