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Activities and programs involving youth are integral to Auburn University’s mission of improving the lives of the people of Alabama, the nation, and the world through education, research, and service. To serve, develop, and foster this mission, Auburn University created the Youth Protection Program. The Youth Protection Program promotes a culture of safety for all individuals participating in the wide variety of youth programs the University sponsors or sanctions, whether on campus or off campus.
The Youth Protection Program supports and protects the University community by developing standards regarding the protection of minors, delivering education and training on youth protection strategies, and assessing compliance with laws and the University’s policies affecting youth protection.
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All Youth Programs must register and submit all requested documentation pursuant to the detailed process outlined in the Guide for Youth Programs. Program registration should be submitted and approved before beginning to advertise or accept registrations.
Detailed information on required documentation is available in the Guide and on this website. Additional requirements for Third-Party Youth Programs are detailed in the Guide for Third-Party Youth Programs. Failure to comply with this policy or the requirements of the Guide may result in the Youth Program being denied approval.
Step 1: Register the program in the Campus Event Planning System (CEPS) if the event is on campus or if you would like it to appear on the Auburn University Events Calendar.
Programs that do not have to register in CEPS, such as off-campus events, may begin with Step 2.
On-campus summer programs must be registered with the Summer Planning Committee to be considered for the upcoming summer.
Step 2: Continue your registration in the Youth Protection Portal.
The person who registered the program in CEPS will receive an email directing them to continue the registration and approval process in the Youth Protection Portal. Auburn University employees and students may sign on with their AU credentials.
You'll be asked for additional information, such as:
- A list of the workers/volunteers
- The names of the minors participating in the program
- The program itinerary
- Additional information required for External Entities hosting Youth Programs, such as Facility Use Agreements and Certificates of Insurance.
The dean, director, department head, or chair of the department listed as the AU Sponsoring Unit will receive an email asking for approval of the event.
You will be able to see the background check and youth protection training status of your program's personnel.
If you have questions about Youth Program registration, contact or 334-844-2626.
All Youth Program Personnel, whether paid or volunteering, must successfully complete training on protecting Program Participants from abusive emotional and physical treatment and on reporting child abuse or neglect before working in or with Youth Programs. This training must have been completed within a year prior to the Youth Program.
Training options include:
- “Youth Protection”
- This Auburn University-specific online training is offered through the Youth Protection Portal. To access the training, log into the Youth Protection Portal and click “Launch Training.” If you are currently assigned to a youth program and need to complete the training, you will see the training as a “to do” item. Auburn University employees and student employees can also take this course in ElevatED. The course name is CR506E Youth Protection.
- In-person training for groups.
- This training may be requested by contacting or 334-844-2626.
- A training of your choosing that has been reviewed and approved by the Youth Protection Program.
- Contact or 334-844-2626 to discuss whether an alternative training option is acceptable.
Supplementary training:
- Additional online training is available via the United Educators Online Training Website for those who would like to increase their knowledge on this topic. If you are interested in these courses, please email for instructions.
- “Protecting Children: Identifying and Reporting Sexual Misconduct” is designed for those interacting with minors. The course takes approximately one hour to complete.
- "Shine a Light" is designed for employees who do not work directly with children; This short video covers the warning signs of sexual abuse, locations to keep an eye on, and steps for reporting incidents or suspicions.
- "Protecting Children: Hiring Staff Who Work with Minors" shows higher education and K-12 hiring managers how to select the best people to help keep the children in their care safe.
- The State of Alabama Department of Human Resources provides a free online training for mandated reporters at
Background checks are required for Authorized Program Staff.
Authorized Program Staff are individuals, whether paid or unpaid, who have direct contact with minors participating in Youth Programs. Roles may include positions as counselors, coaches, instructors, etc. Authorized Program Staff are responsible for planning, teaching, coordinating, and carrying out activities and for the supervision of Program Participants in Youth Programs.
Direct contact is providing care, supervision, instruction, guidance, oversight, or control of minors and/or having routine interaction with minors in a Youth Program.
Background checks are not required for temporary guest speakers, presenters, and other individuals who have no direct contact with program participants other than short-term activities supervised by Authorized Program Staff.
If you have questions regarding who should have background checks, please contact or 334-844-2626.
If your program does not already have a background check account, please submit the Background Check Program Account Creation Form to Once the account is ready for use, the Requester may use these instructions on how to process background checks.
Background check prices vary based on the number of jurisdictions searched and the number of name variations the person has.
Please note that it may take 1-2 weeks for your program's background check account to be created, and it may take several days to complete an applicant's background check. Please allow adequate time for completing background checks prior to your event.
- Auburn University’s Youth Protection Policy applies to programs, events, and activities involving non-enrolled minors under age 19.
- Complete the Youth in Laboratories Acknowledgement of Youth Protection Policy and Departmental Approval form and submit it to the Youth Protection Program. You will be contacted regarding background checks, youth protection training, and required parent/guardian forms.
- Contact the Laboratory Safety Program for safety guidelines and required trainings for the minor. The minor’s supervisor must provide task/project-specific training in addition to the lab safety trainings provided by the Laboratory Safety Program.
- Register in the Youth Protection Portal at least 30 days before the minors will arrive. If you have registered your event in the Campus Event Planning System, it will automatically be registered in the Youth Protection Portal as well.
- Minors who accompany Auburn University employees to the workplace for reasons other than participation in clinical services or research-type activities are not permitted in laboratories, shops, studios, mechanical rooms, power plants, garages, food preparation areas, or any areas containing power tools or machinery with exposed moving parts. Refer to the Policy on Children in the Workplace for more information.
- Contact your HR Liaison to discuss the types of activities volunteers are allowed to perform.
- Questions? Contact the Youth Protection Program or the Laboratory Safety Program.
- Federal and state law contain requirements and restrictions for employing individuals under 18 years of age. Contact Human Resources for information regarding age restrictions, prohibited occupations for minors, and the documentation required when employing minors.
- Contact the Laboratory Safety Program for safety guidelines and required trainings for the minor employee(s). Before the minor performs assigned duties in the lab, the minor’s supervisor must provide task/project-specific training in addition to the lab safety trainings provided by the Laboratory Safety Program.
- Contact the Laboratory Safety Program for safety guidelines and required safety training.
- Contact your HR Liaison to discuss the types of activities volunteers are allowed to perform.
- Visitors, visiting researchers, or visiting scholars must sign a waiver. Volunteers must sign a volunteer acknowledgement and waiver. Contact Risk Management & Insurance for more information.
- Anyone performing work in an AU lab as a representative of a third-party employer should only do so if there is a signed agreement between AU and the third-party employer. Contact the Office of Innovation Advancement & Commercialization (334-844-4977) for more assistance.
Policies and Guidelines:
- Youth Protection Policy
- Guide for Youth Programs
- Guide for Third-Party Youth Programs
- Guidelines for Virtual Youth Programs
- Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect Policy
- Policy on Children in the Workplace
- ACES Programs and Events Involving Minors
Forms and Templates:
NOTE: These forms and templates were prepared for use by Auburn University-operated youth programs. External entities conducting youth programs that wish to use these forms should review the forms, consult with their legal counsel, and determine whether the forms are appropriate for use in their specific youth program. No warranty is made that these documents are suitable for use by external entities.
- Background Check Guide
- If your program already has a background check account with Truescreen, use these instructions to order background checks.
- Background Check Program Account Creation Form
- Submit this form to create an account for processing background checks of Youth Program Personnel.
- Emergency Plan Guide
- This may be customized with your Youth Program’s specific information.
- Food Allergy, Intolerance, or Dietary Concern Form
- This form is used if a Participant has a food allergy, intolerance, or dietary concern.
- General Information Form
- This form is used to request basic information about each Youth Program Participant, emergency contacts, and individuals authorized to pick up the Participant. You may incorporate it into your online registration and remove information that is not relevant to your program (T-shirt size, etc.).
- Independent Contractor Insurance Requirements for Third-Party Operators of Auburn University Youth Programs
- These insurance requirements must be met by External Entities who are operating Third-Party Youth Programs.
- Informed Consent, Voluntary Waiver, Release of Liability, & Assumption of Risks Form
- All in-person Youth Programs must use this document, including Third-Party Youth Programs. Virtual Youth Programs must use the Virtual Youth Program Informed Consent, Voluntary Waiver, Release of Liability, & Assumption of Risks Form (
- Media, Photo, & Video Release Form
- Use this if you will be taking photos or recordings of the Participants, or if the Participants will be producing works.
- Medical Information and Release Form
- Use this form to request information regarding medical conditions, accommodations, medication, and authorizing medical care. Be sure to store this information in a safe and confidential manner.
- Medication Administration Record
- Use this form as a log of all medication taken by Participants during the program.
- Medication Management Form: Parent/Guardian Authorization, Waiver, and Consent for Self-Administration of Prescription Medication
- AU Youth Programs longer than 4 hours must use this form to request information regarding Participants’ medication.
- Parent Handbook Guide
- This may be customized with your Youth Program’s specific information.
- Parent/Guardian Authorization, Waiver, and Consent for Over-the-Counter Medication Form
- Use this form if your Youth Program will have over-the-counter medication available for Participants.
- Personal Reference Check for Youth Program Personnel
- These sample reference check questions may be used when hiring Youth Program Personnel.
- Sample Screening Questions for Youth Program Employees and Volunteers
- These sample interview questions may be used when hiring Youth Program Personnel.
- Third-Party Attestation Letter Sample
- (Downloads Word document)
- External Entities operating Third-Party Youth Programs may use this certification regarding background checks and youth protection training.
- Virtual Youth Program Informed Consent, Voluntary Waiver, Release of Liability, & Assumption of Risks Form
- All virtual Youth Programs must use this document, including Third-Party Youth Programs. Electronic signatures are acceptable. In-person Youth Programs must use the Informed Consent, Voluntary Waiver, Release of Liability, & Assumption of Risks Form (
- Volunteer Agreement, Informed Consent, Voluntary Waiver, Release of Liability, & Assumption of Risks Form
- This form is now available for electronic signatures in the Youth Protection Portal. This must be signed by all Youth Program Personnel who are volunteering for an AU-operated Youth Program, including employees who are volunteering off-the-clock for program activities outside the scope of their job duties. If the volunteer is under age 19, it must be signed by the volunteer’s parent or guardian.
- Youth in Laboratories
- This form is for faculty wishing to host minors in their labs.
- Youth Program Participant List
- Excel Spreadsheet (Right Click and select "Save As/Save Link As" to download)
- Use this or a similar form to track your Youth Program Participants and maintain the list for your records. Only the participants' names are required to be uploaded in the Youth Protection Portal.
- Youth Program Personnel List
- (spreadsheet will automatically download)
- Use this or a similar form to track all Youth Program Personnel (both paid and volunteer) who participate in the program.
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If you have questions about the Youth Protection Program, please call 334-844-2626 or email