Contact/Staff Directory

Contact Information

The ALNHP office is located in the Crop Improvement Building on Donahue Drive at the corner of Donahue and College Street.

Alabama Natural Heritage Program
1090 South Donahue Drive
Auburn University, AL 36849

Phone: (334) 844-9621
Fax: (334) 844-4462


Jim Godwin, Aquatic Zoologist

The Aquatic Zoologist is responsible for the development and oversight of the aquatic zoology component of the program. The Aquatic Zoologist is responsible for analyzing and disseminating information regarding Alabama's rare species to agencies, organizations, and individuals responsible for protecting and managing those species and their habitats. He also oversees the design and management of selected survey and conservation planning projects.

Phone: (334) 844-5020



Al Schotz, Botanist/ Community Ecologist

The Botanist/Community Ecologist is responsible for the development and oversight of the botanical and natural community component of the program. The Botanist/Community Ecologist is responsible for analyzing and disseminating information regarding plant species and natural communities to agencies, organizations, and individuals responsible for protecting and managing those species and their habitats. He is also responsible for overseeing the design and management of selected survey and conservation planning projects.

Phone: (334) 844-5019




Joe Jenkins, Research Associate

Joe has worked part time for the Alabama Natural Heritage Program in various capacities since 2013 and was hired on full time in January 2021. He conducts field work and analyses relevant to the conservation of reptile and amphibian species throughout the state. His research largely focuses on habitat selection and population ecology of Alabama’s imperiled herpetofauna. Joe received his M.S. in Biological Sciences from Auburn University in 2019 as well as a B.S. in Zoology and a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Auburn in 2016. An avid fisherman and hunter, he devotes his free time towards advocating for Alabama's biodiversity and learning to live in a manner that is more harmonious and conducive to life on this planet.





Francesca Erickson, Research Assistant