Contributing Data


The Alabama Natural Heritage Program relies on information gathered from a variety of sources to develop and sustain its ongoing inventory database to facilitate conservation efforts. ALNHP is constantly striving to improve our data sets and incorporate all information available on the imperiled species of Alabama. You may be able to help provide such information. Do you know the location of an exemplary or relatively undisturbed natural community? Do you have site information for a particular rare species or information on the habitat of an imperiled species? If so, please contact the Alabama Natural Heritage Program so that the data can be verified and incorporated into the database as appropriate.

If you have information on any of Alabama's imperiled species and would like to submit a sighting report, you can either print out the rare species report form, or contact us to provide the information. If you will be sending us information for more than a few rare species locations, you may wish to submit the data as a spreadsheet or database table. Please contact us for details on what information to include in electronically submitted data.