K!DSPARK held Jan. 19 in Birmingham, AL
The 2013 K!dspark Conference “Explore the Future and Plan for Success” was held on Saturday, Jan. 19 at George Washington Carver High School in Birmingham, AL. COSAM’s Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs served as a key component of the K!DSPARK Conference, a day-long conference coordinated by AT&T Alabama and the Birmingham Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., to encourage and promote education in the sciences. A table was set-up for students and parents to visit during check-in time. Parents and students were encouraged to start planning for college early especially if interested in careers in mathematics and sciences. Participants were given information about COSAM majors and related programs. More than 125 Birmingham area middle and high school students and their parents gained valuable advice on how to prepare for future careers. Speakers included Bell Rogers -Education Chair, Alabama AT&T Pioneers, Glyn Agnew - Director, AT&T External Affairs, Michael Moore - Deputy Director City of Birmingham Mayor’s Office, Rickey Morgan - Chapter President, Alabama AT&T Pioneers, and Sarah Mitchell - President, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Birmingham Alumnae Chapter. The keynote speaker was Andrea Billingsley Whitfield, Elementary Teacher Birmingham City Schools and Author of two books – Restoring Classroom Behavior and Felicia Fights Fat with Phone Fitness. The event was organized by long term Summer Bridge supporter and AT&T Pioneer Bell Rogers. The goal of this event was to engage the community to empower students and parents to explore the future and plan for success.
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