COSAM welcomes new dean, Nicholas Giordano
On August 5, Nicholas Giordano began his tenure as dean of the College of Sciences and Mathematics. Previously, Giordano was at Purdue University serving as the head of the Department of Physics.
“It is my great privilege to serve as the new dean of the College of Sciences and Mathematics. One of my first jobs is to get to know the college, and that means getting to know the people of COSAM,” Giordano said. “While I have only been at Auburn a short time, I have been very impressed by all of the great work being done in the college, and I look forward to further familiarizing myself with our exceptional faculty, staff, students and alumni.
“I want to thank everyone at COSAM for the very warm welcome I have received. I also hope that you will join me in expressing our deepest appreciation for Charles Savrda who has served COSAM admirably as interim dean for nearly three years. The college is in quite good shape, and Dr. Savrda is a big reason why.”
Giordano received a bachelor of science in 1973 from Purdue and a doctorate from Yale University in 1977. He has taught at both universities, and in 1977 he was a visiting scientist at Hahn-Meitner Institute in Berlin. He was named Indiana Professor of the Year in 2004 by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, he is a fellow of the American Physical Society, he serves on the Technical Committee on Musical Acoustics for the Acoustical Society of America, and he is a member of the Biophysical Society. Among his research interests are the physics of nanostructures and mesoscopic systems; musical acoustics and the physics of the piano; and computational neuroscience and physics. Click here for more information about Giordano.
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