COSAM hosts Minority High School Visitation Day
The COSAM annual Minority High School Visitation Day was held Oct. 18, in the Auburn Student Center ballroom. Publicized as a capstone event for college-bound junior and senior high school students, the 2013 event attracted many enthusiastic students, parents and guardians, and high school counselors. The event received an “outstanding rating” from students, parents and participating Auburn University staff. High schools represented included Auburn, Opelika, Loachapoka, Daphne, LAMP, Oak Mountain, Jefferson County International Baccalaureate and Robert E. Lee, and counselors representing several Georgia schools. Nearly 100 individuals registered on site. Registrants included local presenters, and guests and visitors from 20 high schools in Alabama and Georgia. Of those surveyed, 83 perecent said they are applying to Auburn University. Assistant vice president for Student Affairs, Kimberly Frazier, extended greetings, and COSAM associate dean of academic affairs, Vincenzo Cammarata, extended a welcome on behalf of the college. Campus-based representatives included administrators, faculty advisors and student representatives. Students and staff were also available to answer questions and interact with potential students. Overall, the execution of this year’s event was highly successful. Eighty-three percent of students surveyed indicated they had already applied or are currently applying to Auburn University. The event received a rating of 3.9 on a 4.0 scale, which reflects the outstanding rating on the part of the attendees. Four categories received the highest ratings: positive experience; information was helpful; admissions information; and scholarship information.
For more information, email Bianca Evans, minority programs coordinator for the COSAM Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs, at or call 334.844.4642. You can also visit the website.
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