Three from COSAM named top 20 finalists for Miss Auburn
Three COSAM students were among the top 20 finalists for Miss Auburn: Alexis Jackson, microbial, cellular, and molecular biology; Tori Jones, biomedical sciences; and Ana Burcham, cellular and molecular biology. Jackson also serves as a COSAM Leader, an exemplary group of students who serve the college as official ambassadors.
A tradition since 1935, Miss Auburn has served as the official hostess of the university. Miss Auburn is open to undergraduate female students who are currently in at least their third academic year and hold a 2.5 to 4.0 cumulative grade point average. The final five candidates were named Thursday, Nov.7, and campaigning is set to officially begin Feb.5 and conclude Feb. 11. For more information, see the story that ran in the Auburn Plainsman.
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