Project Lead the Way hosted at Auburn University
The College of Sciences and Mathematics Office of Outreach, in collaboration with the Women in Science and Engineering Institute (WISE), recently hosted the annual Alabama Project Lead the Way (PLTW) State Conference at the Auburn University Student Center. Approximately 211 teachers, school administrators and counselors were in attendance.
PLTW is the nation’s leading science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) solution for more than 8,000 schools across America. The program offers both world-class curriculum and high-quality teacher professional development in the STEM fields. As the Alabama PLTW state affiliate university, Auburn University provides training for PLTW annually in the form of a State Conference. Through the 27 breakout sessions offered at the conference, participants increased their understanding of the program and curriculum and had the opportunity to network with other PLTW associates throughout the state.
In summer 2016, Auburn University will continue its efforts to grow PLTW and STEM education in Alabama by providing summer professional development to teachers across the state. The summer training will include laboratory experiences and PLTW curriculum training in the biomedical sciences, robotics, engineering and other STEM fields.
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