Message from Dean Giordano - April 14, 2020
To all faculty, staff, and students in COSAM,
On Saturday, April 11, COSAM's Leadership Council met through Zoom. I described our college’s recent accomplishments, strategic plan, student enrollment, research activities, and our response during this transitional time.
I am proud of how much progress COSAM is making as seen in this week's COSAM Today:
You can read more about the virtual meeting we had with Leadership Council and even watch the session recorded via Zoom.
Additionally, I encourage our early career researchers to sign up for the COSAM Proposal Development Workshop that is planned for Tuesday, May 5 at 9 a.m. Our Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Programs, Ed Thomas, will lead the workshop, which is designed especially for early career faculty and post-docs. Learn more about this online event, breakout sessions, and how to register in Ed's message in COSAM Today.
After my email last week, many of you responded to my story about how my granddaughter in Seattle gave my wife an online cooking lesson. I believe that many of you have similar stories about your interactions with your family and loved ones, and I encourage you to share your stories with me.
Whether you are making things work with an interesting perspective, balancing Zoom meetings while taking care of all of your other responsibilities, or you simply want to share a photo of you and your family while you are working at home, please share your at home moments.
This online form will give you the opportunity to tell me more about your moment and upload a photo of you (with your family or four-legged family member) at home:
Please stay healthy and safe.
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