Educational Activities Transform Young Learners into MaSTErMinds
The Outreach Office in the College of Sciences and Mathematics (COSAM) has new MaSTErMinds activity kits to help students learn at home during a time of social distancing.
“STEM programming helps students to gain valuable hands-on skills conducting an experiment,” explained Veronica Morin, assistant director of COSAM Outreach. “Parents can review the instructions with their child, go through the steps for the activity, and learn timely educational lessons such as why masks are helpful in reducing the spread of a virus and how to prevent the spread of germs through hand washing.”
The Vast World of Viruses kit is an engaging way to keep students developing their skills during the summer. This kit contains four activities:
- Bandana mask
- Virus modeling
- Glitter germs
- Hand sanitizer
These kits can be easily purchased through COSAM Outreach at
For more information, contact Veronica Morin at
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