New mathematics conference held at Auburn University
Auburn University hosted the first Joint Alabama-Florida Conference on Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems and Applications on May 13 and 14. The conference was held in the university’s new Academic Classroom and Laboratory Complex.
“We are excited to be the first to present this new conference to bring people working in similar mathematical fields together to advance the discipline,” said Ash Abebe, chair of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Auburn University. “We have a distinguished list of speakers to make this conference a memorable and productive experience for all attendees.”
Ed Thomas, Jr., dean of the College of Sciences and Mathematics, welcomed attendees.
“The Department of Mathematics and Statistics is a vibrant and exciting place,” Thomas said. “On behalf of our college and university, I welcome you to our campus and hope you learn more about the outstanding work these researchers are focused on.”
The conference brought people through Alabama and Florida together.
“This conference is a wonderful opportunity to recharge myself and stay at the forefront of research,” said Guihong Fan, chair of the Department of Mathematics at Columbus State University. “I am looking forward to the interesting talks and being part of this event.”
Matthew Powell from Georgia Tech was an invited speaker at the conference.
“I am looking forward to meeting people at this conference and hearing about the different areas of research,” Powell said.
Abba Ramadan, a student from the University of Alabama, was excited to meet future collaborators.
“I am presenting a poster at this conference, and I am excited to meet people who I might be able to work on future research projects in my career,” said Ramadan.
The organizing committee included Ziad Musslimani, Florida State University; Svetlana Roudenko, Florida International University; Milena Stanislavova, University of Alabama at Birmingham; and Selim Sukhtaiev, Auburn University.
Plenary speakers included Vera Mikyoung Hur, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Andrej Zlatoš, University of California San Diego; and Kevin Zumbrun, Indiana University Bloomington.
Invited speakers included Peter Howard, Texas A&M University; Yuri Latushkin, University of Missouri, Columbia; Maria Amarakristi Onyido, Northern Illinois University; Matthew Powell, Georgia Institute of Technology; Rachidi Salako, University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Maja Taskovic, Emory University; Rudi Weikard, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Shuwen Xue, Northern Illinois University; and Angel Zhivkov, Sofia University, Bulgaria. The conference was sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF DMS 2243027), College of Sciences and Mathematics and Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Auburn University.
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