COSAM News Articles 2024 01 Remembering Stewart W. Schneller - beloved professor, dean, mentor

Remembering Stewart W. Schneller - beloved professor, dean, mentor

Published: 04/08/2024

By: Maria Gebhardt

Stewart W. Schneller, professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and dean of the College of Sciences and Mathematics (COSAM), who dedicated his life to academic discovery and research, passed away on Friday, April 5. He was 82.

“His tenure as dean was extraordinary, and he holds the distinction of being COSAM’s longest-serving dean at 16 years, from 1994 to 2010. He began his service as dean a mere eight years after the creation of the college, and his vision transformed COSAM from a primarily teaching-focused unit to a college with strong commitments to research and outreach while retaining its emphasis on unparalleled undergraduate and graduate education,” said Edward E. Thomas Jr., dean of the college. “Dr. Schneller and his leadership team is directly responsible for many of the best features of the college today – including the acronym ‘COSAM!’ Many of the long-serving faculty in COSAM and most of the current leadership team of the college was hired under the tenure of Dr. Schneller as dean. After serving as dean, Dr. Schneller returned to the faculty and has been a beloved teacher and mentor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.”

Schneller was known around the world for antiviral research, including extensive work on the Ebola virus. His research team, The Schneller Group, helped inspire a new generation of scientists.

“For those of us who knew and worked with him, he has had a profound influence on our professional lives,” Thomas added. “And, on a purely personal note, I would not be in my current position without Stew’s guidance, mentorship and support over nearly three decades.”

Visitation will be held at the Jeffcoat Trant Funeral Home, 1500 Frederick Road, in Opelika, on Wednesday, April 10, from 6-8 p.m. 

A memorial service is also being planned for Auburn United Methodist Church in downtown Auburn on Thursday, April 11, at 10:30 a.m.

View his online obituary and leave a message on his online tribute page to share condolences.

Schneller made a genuine and lasting impression on all who knew him.

No matter the awards, accolades or publications, he will always be remembered best for starting every single class of his career with War Eagle!

At the beginning of each class he taught, he would say War Eagle! with a contagious spirit that the students would energetically repeat. Schneller knew how to connect with his class and get everyone focused on the course material ahead.

The Auburn Family mourns the loss of a renowned dean, dedicated professor and mentor whose legacy goes far beyond the Plains.

War Eagle!

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