Jennifer Ryan

Phillis Belcher

As GEDI celebrates its 40th class of the Intensive Economic Development Training Course, we have been chatting with some of our course alumni to learn where they are now and how their participation in the program has impacted their professional careers.

Phillis Belcher currently serves as the Executive Director for the Greene County Industrial Development Authority. Ms. Belcher is a graduate of Intensive Class 1994.

Q & A with Phillis

Job while attending the Intensive Program:

  • Administrative Assistant, Greene County Industrial Development Authority

Career highlights since graduating Intensive:

  • I have been fortunate to be involved in so many wonderful events and initiatives in Greene County throughout my career. Helping industries locate in Greene County, developing industry appreciation events, working with expanding industries and strategic planning, community building and developing leadership programs are all activities I have enjoyed. I worked with federal, state and regional agencies to attract grant funds to improve the Crossroads of America Port and Park and to develop retail and hotel feasibility studies.

Favorite thing about the Intensive course:

  • My favorite thing about the Intensive course was the information taught and the presentations from varied economic developers across the state and their willingness to help if needed. I have been able to take advantage of the help on numerous occasions over the years.

Biggest lesson you learned through Intensive:

  • The biggest lesson that I learned is that economic development is a process that does not happen overnight. There is a lot of work that happens behind the scenes that can take many years to come to fruition. Relationships and collaborations are key to any economic development improvements or wins.

Are you still in contact with people you met through Intensive?

  • Yes, I am still in contact with people I met through Intensive, and these connections have been so valuable as I navigate economic development.

What would you tell someone who is considering going through Intensive but not sure if they can make the time or financial commitment?

  • This course is worth the commitment to time if you plan to have a successful career in economic development.

Final Thoughts:

  • My career transition from Corporate America in a large metropolitan area to community and economic development in a small, rural area was smooth and has been successful because of my participation in this Intensive Course. I have attended many other economic development courses during my career and the Intensive Course was the right foundation for me. It should be required for all first-time economic developers.

Last Updated: December 10, 2024