Welcome to the new A&P Site
We will be updating this site regularly with announcements, meeting information, voting information and more. We also now have a new communications platform that you as an A&P Employee have the ability to interact with others in the group, view presentations from meetings, watch previously recorded meetings, and even join current Assembly meetings.
A&P Employees TeamNext Assembly Meeting
Further Meetings have not been scheduled.
Communicate Better
MS Teams gives our group the ability to host meetings, communitcate with each other, provide updates, and host files such as meeting presentations.
A&P Employee Team
Current Place Reps
These representatives serve as the voice of their respective place.
Current Representatives
A great way to get involved and help push employee related initiatives.
Current Executive Committee
Thomas Sawyer
Josh Henderson
Anna Thompson
Paige Patterson
Kristin Roberts
Lawrence Hamberlin
Shelly Nemeroff
A&P Assembly Definition
All non-faculty, exempt employees are members of the Administrative and Professional employee group. The Administrative and Professional Assembly was established to afford Administrative and Professional employees representative participation in the University governance process. Similar governance groups exist for other employee classifications: the University Senate for faculty members and the Staff Advisory Council for staff employees.The Assembly is an elected body established at Auburn University by authority of the University Board of Trustees. The purpose of the Assembly is to advise the President regarding policies, procedures and general welfare issues affecting the Administrative and Professional employee group. The Assembly is composed of no more than 25 members from the Administrative and Professional employee group. The Assembly meets quarterly and all meetings are open to Administrative and Professional employees. Representation on the Assembly is proportional among the vice presidential and presidential categories as determined by the Executive Committee of the Assembly. For a more detailed description of the Assembly's workings, please refer to the Administrative and Professional Assembly Constitution.
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