We Exhibit Ethical and Honest Behavior

The University relies upon all Auburn Personnel to conduct themselves ethically, honestly, and with integrity in all dealings. Such conduct requires applying the principles of fairness, good faith, and respect in our decisions and actions. We each take responsibility for our actions and perform our delegated responsibilities using sound judgment. We carry out our duties in compliance with the Code.

We Comply with Applicable Laws, Regulations, and University Policies

We are aware of applicable laws, regulations, and policies. We acknowledge the importance of these rules and follow them in both their letter and spirit. We understand that University policies exist to facilitate awareness and compliance with laws and regulations and set the minimum standard for our expectations.

We Act with Integrity

Auburn Personnel are expected to display the highest standards of honesty and integrity in teaching, research, scholarship, outreach, service, and business. We are responsible stewards of University property and resources and do not engage in fraudulent activities involving plagiarism, misrepresentation, fabrication or falsification of information, records, or data in our work. We speak candidly and truthfully and do not produce or perpetuate false information. It is our responsibility to all people that research be conducted in strict conformity with Auburn University standards, methodologies, and governmental and private research sponsor requirements.

We Preserve Data Security, Privacy & Confidentiality

Auburn Personnel often have access to, receive, or generate various types of confidential information. Laws, agreements with third parties, and University policies and guidelines govern the collection, storage, transmission, and destruction of confidential information. Individuals with access to confidential information have an obligation to protect and secure this data from unauthorized access and use. Additionally, we adhere to privacy best practices and record retention requirements.

We Avoid, Report, and Manage Conflicts of Interest

Auburn Personnel must carefully navigate situations that involve a potential conflict of interest or commitment with the University. Individuals are expected to faithfully carry out their professional duties in furtherance of the University’s mission and to avoid conflicts between their personal interests and official responsibilities. We expect all Auburn Personnel to comply with University and other guidelines for reporting and reviewing actual and potential conflicts of interest and conflicts of commitment. When real or perceived conflicts arise, they must be recognized, disclosed, and eliminated or appropriately managed.

Examples of Related Policies

Last updated: 10/23/2024