Location Information

Due to the configuration of the buses, a charter may not be able to go to a requested location. While we will do our best to ensure that we can provide the requested service, we reserve the right to deny any request for service where a bus cannot safely access a location and where an alternative location cannot be agreed upon.

Locations that buses cannot safely access include, but are not limited to:
1- Dirt roads
2- Gravel roads
3- Bridges that are not rated for buses to cross
4- Bridges that appear unstable
5- Unpaved areas where the bus would need to turn around at
6- Areas where there is not sufficient space for buses to turn around

Additionally, there are on-campus locations that buses are unable to access. Those locations include, but are not limited to:

1- Alumni Center gravel parking lot
2- AU Challenge Course
3- Corley Loop
4- Duncan Drive (between Varsity Drive and Samford Avenue)
5- The Hotel at Auburn University porte co·chère
6- Lowder Hall parking lot
7- North Auburn Pavilion
8- Quad Drive
9- Rane Culinary Science Center
10-Raptor Center
11-Roosevelt Concourse
12-Ross Square
13-Wilmore Drive

Due to safety issues, buses are not allowed to drop off or pickup passengers in the street or the roadway.

All locations appearing on a charter request will be reviewed and either approved or denied by the Transportation Services administrative office.