Ryan Moss serves as the Assistant Director for the Center for Educational Outreach & Engagement (CEOE) providing facilitation, leadership, oversight, and supervision to the department. His role also facilitates and executes departmental agreements/contracts/grants/partnerships.
Ryan’s recent programming leadership includes but is not limited to:
The Auburn University Career Technical Academy (AUCTA) program in conjunction with Lee County Public Schools and the Lee County Learning Center. AUCTA provides learning academic engagement sessions led by AU faculty/staff and community business leaders including employability skills, financial literacy skills, social emotional skills, global communication skills, entrepreneurial skills, guest speakers, and includes campus career visits to Auburn University. Ryan serves as the primary lead and liaison with programming, administration, and stakeholders for AUCTA.
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) grant sponsored by the Alabama Department of Commerce. This includes grant renewals, seeking new WIOA grant funding, recruiting schools and students to participate from different school districts, evaluation and supervision of all related AU employees/consultants, program management, and project management in accordance with Alabama Department of Commerce policy. Ryan establishes interactions with superintendents, school principals, teachers, parents, students, and community agents. He creates and leads an administrative coalition which includes K-12 administrators from participating schools, Alabama Career Center leaders, Auburn University (AU) administration, AU faculty and staff, and consultants participating in grants and programs.
Ryan previously served as the CEOE Grant Coordinator, supervising the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act grant (WIOA). He coordinated AU services provided through University Outreach, the Harbert College of Business, the Black Belt Community Foundation, and the Bullock and Macon County Career Technical Education programs for high school students.
Mr. Moss’s twenty-year career in PreK-12 education includes serving as a coach (swimming, tennis, football and basketball), teacher, career academy coordinator, assistant principal, and principal (elementary, middle and high school). Mr. Moss is a two-time alumnus of Auburn University (B.S. in Ed. ’00 and M.Ed.’02).