
Incoming students awarded one or more scholarships who are unable to enroll at Auburn fall semester due to medical or mental reasons, civil or military service, or program participation may request to defer their scholarship to spring term. Current students who are unable to enroll at Auburn during a term due to course availability, an internship or co-op, medical or mental health reasons, civil or military service, or program participation or study abroad may request a non-payment of scholarship to ensure they retain the semester of scholarship during which they will not be enrolled. Supporting documentation must be provided for all requests. Only first-year students awarded a four-year institutionally funded scholarship are eligible for deferment consideration. Students who have received an unfavorable conduct or academic honesty decision will not be approved for deferment or non-payment. Students awaiting a conduct or academic honesty decision will not be reviewed prior to notification from the appropriate review committee of that decision.

Request for Deferment

Incoming students who wish to request scholarship deferment should complete a deferment request by August 1 in advance of the fall term for which you have been accepted for admission. Students who previously withdrew their admission application or forfeited their enrollment deposit are not eligible to request deferral.

Scholarship deferment is only granted for one term. Students who wish to take a gap year, a year off between high school graduation and enrollment at Auburn, should apply for admission for the following fall term. Eligibility for admission and first-year student scholarships will be evaluated with the applicants for the following year, and students are subject to the scholarship deadlines, requirements, award amounts, and guidelines for that year. Students who enroll at another postsecondary institution during a gap year are automatically transfer students and ineligible for first-year student scholarship consideration.

This table describes the type of documentation needed to approve your request.
Endeavor Supporting Documentation
Medical or Mental Health Contact Auburn Cares for guidance
Military Service Military orders
Program participation Program acceptance with participation dates

Documentation supporting your deferment request is required regardless of request reason. Students who request deferment due to medical or mental health reasons must send all medical documentation to Auburn CaresContact a scholarship advisor if you are unsure what documentation is required for your request to be complete.

Request for Non-Payment

Currently enrolled Auburn students requesting non-payment of their first-year student scholarship(s) should complete a Request for Non-Payment form and upload supporting document(s) regarding the endeavor the student wishes to pursue.

This table describes the type of documentation needed to approve your request.
Endeavor Supporting Documentation
Co-op or Internship Letter from internship provider
Course Availability Letter from academic advisor
Medical or Mental Health Contact Auburn Cares for guidance
Military Service Military orders
Study Abroad Enrollment in UNIV 2300

The request must be received by the Office of University Scholarships a minimum of 30 days prior to the start of the term for which the student is requesting non-payment. Documentation supporting your request is required regardless of request reason. Students who request non-payment due to medical or mental health reasons must send all medical documentation to Auburn CaresSchedule an appointment with a scholarship advisor or email a scholarship advisor with questions about submitting your request or the details on your documentation required.

Last updated: 11/13/2023