Open Records Request Guidelines

Auburn University provides Alabama residents access to public records in accordance with applicable law.

How to submit a request:

All requests for public records must be submitted using the standard request form. The university will not acknowledge or respond to requests that are not properly submitted using this form.

Requests must identify the requested public records with reasonable specificity. The university is not obligated to respond to an open records request that is vague, ambiguous, overly broad, or unreasonable in scope.

The university is not required to create a new public record if the requested record does not already exist.

The university is not required to respond to requests that seek information or other materials that are not public records.

Alabama open records law provides appropriate protections for private, confidential, privileged, and other nonpublic information, and to the interest of the general public in having the business of government carried on efficiently and without undue interference.

Under Alabama open records law, a party to a pending or threatened action, suit, or proceeding is not permitted to use a public records request to obtain information regarding a matter relevant to the pending or threatened action, suit, or proceeding in lieu of the proper discovery methods provided under applicable rules of procedure.

For purposes of making an open records request, an Alabama resident is an individual who is permanently domiciled in Alabama with an expectation to remain in Alabama as demonstrated by reasonable proof of residence such as, but not limited to, an Alabama driver license or voter registration. The university may request reasonable evidence to establish proof of residency.

The university may require payment of a reasonable fee prior to searching for or producing public records.

For questions regarding open record requests please contact the Auburn University Open Records Office at