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Note: This "Good to Know!" published on February 29, 2016

We have some good news for employees, supervisors and timekeepers! Auburn University Human Resources has improved the Request Leave Form, also known as HR-8.

For several weeks, our Human Resources staff has worked to improve this form. We also sought feedback from timekeepers, and their input was valuable and much appreciated. Their excellent suggestions helped us create a form which is more user-friendly for all users.

Notably, multiple leave-type usages may now be submitted on the same form. In most instances, only one form will be needed per employee, per pay cycle!

Supervisors now have the option to approve each date range in columns (a) and (b) as the employee requests the time off as well as sign for the entire pay cycle. This should significantly reduce paperwork and make the process quicker and easier for employees and timekeepers.

Two options are available for the form. One option is a fillable Excel spreadsheet which can be completed and printed for signature. The other option is a Portable Document Format (PDF) which can be filled in but will not calculate the total time. Thus, the PDF form will need to be printed and totaled by hand.

The type size, or font size, is larger on the new form and a comment line has been added for the user. We no longer require a reason for sick leave due to Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act(HIPAA) regulations along with other privacy issues.

We have already received several positive comments on the new form, such as:

  • “This will cut down on paper”;

  • “Being able to complete multiple leave dates on (one) form will cut down on paperwork and make the process easier for the timekeeper and employee”; and

  • “I think the new form is much more efficient.”

We’re excited about the new form, and we trust it will benefit all users. Questions or comments regarding the form may be directed to your Human Resources team at (334) 844-4145 or

Last updated: 03/11/2025