
Throughout the onboarding process, your attention and oversight can lead to a very positive start to the new hire's Auburn journey. 

Step 1: Creating Experience (Why is Onboarding Important?)

discuss.pngSuccessfully acclimating employees to Auburn University through the onboarding process is the key to ensuring that new hires are more readily able to become contributing members to the university and more specifically your team.

Additional benefits include shortening the learning curve which may ultimately increase productivity, ensuring that employees understand policies and procedures as they relate to your department and the University as a whole, increasing the likelihood of job satisfaction and retention, as well as building a sense of community surrounding the new employee.

Step 2: Key Players

passkey.pngHuman Resource Liaisons (HRLs)

  • HRLs have overarching access in monitoring all onboarding activities for new hires within their respective units. The primary means to monitor these actions is through the PeopleAdmin (PA) system. 

  • HRLs are responsible for ensuring that the Onboarding Center is aware of any specific onboarding practices that are unique to their units which an employee must be aware of to successfully acclimate to their role. 

  • HRLs are additionally responsible for communicating new developments and/or changes related to onboarding processes as it relates to the roles of other human resource specialists/generalists and department administrators in their areas. 

Departmental Administrators

  • Department admins are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of finalized hiring proposals. Depending on their specific role in the hiring process they may also be responsible for monitoring the completion of new hire onboarding activities. 

  • Department admins typically serve as the primary point of contact for onboarding specialists regarding the status of new hires or questions related to the completion of onboarding tasks (i.e. work authorization, PA required tasks or PA troubleshooting).

  • Department admins may also be charged with completing specific actions related to the new employee within the PA system. These actions include “Request desktop setup” and “Complete access request form." Please note that these PA tasks simply provide instructions to complete the necessary actions outside of the system or ensure that the department admin has communicated the completion of the action to a respective party (i.e. departmental computing coordinator).


  • Supervisors are responsible for helping new hires transition into their new role within their department and the university.

  • Supervisors are responsible for setting clear expectations and providing guidance so their departmental new hires can successfully contribute to the university.

Departmental Onboarding Contact

  • The Departmental Onboarding Contact will serve as the primary contact for the Onboarding Center. All questions and concerns related to the progress and status of the new employee will be directed to the departmental onboarding contact. 

  • The departmental contact is identified as an individual who has the closest connection with the employee and supervisor to ensure the completion of all required onboarding tasks. The departmental onboarding contact can be: the employee supervisor, department admin, hiring manager, HR specialist, HR generalist, HRL or any individual that has been granted responsibility related to hiring processes. 

  • The departmental onboarding contact is charged with completing specific actions related to the new employee within the PA system. These actions include “Request desktop setup” and “Complete access request form."  Please note that these PA tasks simply provide instructions to complete the necessary actions outside of the system or ensure that the department admin has communicated the completion of the action to a respective party (i.e. departmental computing coordinator).

Step 3: Internal Processes

process.pngDepartmental units and the Onboarding Center work together to ensure the efficiency of a new hire’s onboarding experience. Departments with unique or specific onboarding activities that are required of employees prior to the start of their employment should contact the Onboarding Center to ensure that these steps are included within onboarding processes or the PeopleAdmin system itself.

Step 4: Logistics

data-management.pngThe following workflows are designed to help departments better understand the logistics of PeopleAdmin processes related to each employee type:

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Step 5: HR Support

helping-hand.pngDepartments are encouraged to visit the Auburn University PeopleAdmin resource website for further details related to the Applicant Tracking System or Employee Records Module. Departments can find access to the PA manuals, training recordings, and PeopleAdmin pointers. 

Additional information on Electronic I-9/E-Verify is also available online.

Step 6: FAQs

faq-1.pngReview our list of frequently-asked questions.