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Welcome to ACE Performance
We are thrilled to introduce Auburn’s new performance development process, ACE Performance (Align, Collaborate, and Evaluate).
Developing people to their highest potential is a basic leadership responsibility. ACE Performance helps supervisors and employees achieve optimal performance and development through collaboration, goal setting, and growth opportunities. In other words, it will help us “ACE” performance at Auburn.
ACE Performance was developed for us, by us so it has Auburn’s culture and values written all over it.
A&P and Staff employees with a full-time equivalent (FTE) of .5 or greater will participate in the ACE annual performance process.
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What is ACE?
ACE Performance is a development process that helps employees and supervisors work together to achieve personal, departmental, and organizational goals. Here's how it works:
The first step in ACE Performance is Align, which allows supervisors to provide job clarity. Job functions should be reviewed by supervisors with their employees along with other duties assigned, tasks, goals, initiatives and contributions to the department's mission and success.
Collaborate is the longest phase of ACE Performance. During Collaborate, supervisors and employees should meet regularly and talk throughout the year. They should engage in regular one-on-one discussions to adjust priorities, celebrate achievements, provide constructive feedback, and identify development opportunities.
Our goal is for everyone to look forward to the Evaluate phase of ACE Performance. This should also be the easiest phase because we have been communicating throughout the performance year.
Auburn Core Values and Leadership Principles
A new component of the 2024-2025 performance process is adherence to Auburn Core Values and Leadership Principles.
Evaluation of Values and Principles will be required for the 2025-2026 performance year. For the 2024-2025 performance year, evaluation of Values and Principles will be optional.
Auburn Core Values: Integrity, Respect and commitment to Excellence.
Leadership Principles: Supervisors will also be evaluated on the following Leadership Principles.
Empower, enable and encourage direct reports
Develop self and direct reports
What to Know This Year
The Align and Collaborate phases officially began in June/July 2024 using the Align/Collaborate Planning Tool. If you are currently using this tool, you will simply copy and paste the contents into the new ACE Performance Document.
The User Guide will provide step-by-step instructions on completing the form. Department/units that weight scores will be required to complete the ACE Performance Weighting Worksheet and submit it with the final evaluation.
Additional Resources
ACE Performance Weighting Worksheet (Password is ACE)
For questions, email