Sexual and Interpersonal Misconduct & Discrimination/Harassment

  • Sexual Harassment

  • Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment

  • Sexual Assault

  • Sexual Exploitation

  • Domestic Violence

  • Dating Violence

  • Intimate Partner Violence

  • Stalking

  • Complicity

  • Any Form of Retaliation

  • Discrimination based on Race, Color, Religion, Sex, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Age, National Origin, Mental or Physical Disability, Veteran Status, and Genetic Information.

  • Harassment based on Race, Color, Religion, Age, National Origin, Mental or Physical Disability, Veteran Status, and Genetic Information.

Report an Incident


Completed reports will be reviewed by the Office of AA/EEO and/or the Title IX Coordinator during normal business hours (Monday-Friday 7:45 a.m. – 4:45 p.m.) Appropriate follow-up steps will be implemented by our staff members. This may include contacting you to gather additional information and/or providing support and resources to you. Please note that anonymously submitted forms may limit our effectiveness in responding to suspected violations of Auburn University’s policies.


When considering the roles of individuals involved, please use the following definitions as a guide: 

  • Respondent: The individual who may have violated university policy.

  • Complainant: A person who has been impacted by the alleged behaviors of the Respondent.

  • Witness: Someone who can provide information about the incident or may have been indirectly impacted by misconduct. A witness is not alleged to have engaged in a potential policy violation or behavior that has impacted another person.

Last updated: 11/27/2023