January 9, 2020

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Happy New Year! Did you know that we are already in the second half of the performance year for Staff and Administrative/Professional employees at Auburn University? (As a reminder, the current performance year started on June 1, 2019, and continues until May 31, 2020.)

Now is the time to conduct mid-year conversations, or planned check-ins, with your employees. These conversations give supervisors a formal opportunity to check in with their employees for several purposes, including the following:

  • Provide positive feedback on work to date or accomplishments and constructive feedback on areas where performance may be lacking.

  • Discover and eliminate possible roadblocks that may hinder employee performance or prevent the employee from achieving the set goals.

  • Adjust goals if organizational or departmental needs have changed.

  • Document the discussions, any changes or updates and behaviors noted on this year’s performance review form.

  • Provide time for manager/employee exchange of ideas.

  • Supervisors and employees should also discuss the "Observed Behaviors" that were listed in the employee's Performance Review Form.

Feedback Session Tips

  • Block off time to have a formal dialogue.

  • Supervisors and employees may wish to use the University's Performance Management Log to note Observed Behaviors, Job Duties, and Developmental Progress/Other Needs.

  • The conversation should focus on actions and activities and their impacts on results and outcomes – the impact on the organization, outcomes, and cost and savings.

  • Retain the feedback document to be consolidated with the Performance Review Form

Supervisor Pathways

We are excited to announce that more than 200 supervisors and aspiring supervisors have already registered for Supervisor Pathways. This exciting new program is designed to provide Auburn University supervisors with meaningful knowledge, skills, and behaviors necessary to be an effective manager and a developer of others.

Those registered for the program should have conversations with their supervisor to begin and throughout the Pathway process. Participants and supervisors should note this and associated classes under "position goal / previously identified developmental need" on the Performance Review form.

For More Information

If you have questions, visit aub.ie/performance or contact your Human Resources Liaison or HR Development at 844‐4145 or hrddept@auburn.edu.

-Information also taken from the Society for Human Resource Management

Training Opportunities 

HR Development offers three online training courses on performance management. Supervisors and employees may access these classes on demand:

  • MG500E, An Introduction to Performance Management at Auburn University

  • MG505E, Performance Management Fundamentals for Employees

  • MG510E, Performance Management Fundamentals for Supervisors

Three new classes designed to benefit supervisors will also be offered this semester. The first two classes will be offered live at the AU Administrative Complex, 1550 E. Glenn Ave.:

  • MG480, Getting Started with Continuous Improvement (March 2)

  • TW300, Working Among Multiple Generations (April 23)

  • LG240E (online), Preventing Absenteeism

Visit Fast-Train for more information.

Last updated: 03/11/2025