Events & Programs
Events are Blue -and- Programs are Orange
Global Studies in Education:
Korea Program
Korean Americans' Civic Engagement & Policy Issues
Saturday, April 26, 2025
from 1:00 PM – 6:00 PM (CST)
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The 5th Korean American Youth Leadership Program: Servant Leadership
Sundays, March 17 – Nov 17, 2024
from 3:00 – 6:00 PM
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7th Annual US Korean Speech & Quiz Contest
Saturday, March 23, 2024
from 9:00 AM – 2:30 PM (CST)
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Child EQ Development
Certificate Program
Becoming the Beloved Community Amid Hate Crimes Against Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders
Korean Dance:
Basics and K-Pop
Dance Classes Held:
November and December 2019
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Monthly Meetings: First Tuesday of the Month - 7 P.M.
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The Advisory Council holds monthly meetings on the first Tuesday of every month at 7pm. As of 2018, there were eight members from diverse Korean communities.
Korean Language
Afterschool Program
North Korean Conflict
Panel Discussion
Chuseok (Korean
Thanksgiving) Celebration
Event held: October 14, 2017 -and- September 4, 2018
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Brown-bag Mini
Lecture Series
Brown-bag mini lectures were provided in Spring 2018. The lectures regarded differences between Korean and American cultures, Korea-US free trade, the status of religion in Korea, and employees’ allegiant communicative behaviors in South Korea. The lecturers were professors at Auburn University and professionals in the community.
Lunar New Year
The Lunar New Year Celebration was sponsored by Auburn University’s Korea Corner and Sejong Institute. More than 300 faculty, staff, and students participated in eating traditional Korean food and trying on traditional Korean clothing.

In Spring 2018, four Korean cultural classes were held: a Korean Cooking Class on February 22, a Buttercream Flower Cupcake Class on March 20, another Korean Cooking Class on March 27, and a Professional Gift-Wrapping Class on April 17.

In 2018, there were 5 movie nights that occurred: My Sassy Girl (2/9), Veteran (3/23), Train to Pusan (4/27), Cyrano Agency (9/21), and The Phone (11/2). Korean snacks and food along with refreshments were provided.
The Korea Corner sponsors free Korean language tutoring sessions every weekday from 8a to 5p. The tutors are volunteers from the community and the Korean Ambassadors.

Hibiscus Blooming in the Cotton Field Committee
Regular Meetings: Wednesday, 10 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.
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This book aims to describe the history, culture, and lifestyle of Korean immigrants and expatriates in eastern Alabama and western Georgia while documenting their experiences and providing data for future generations.

Lectures on the
State of Alabama
Lectures discussing certain aspects of Alabamian history took place at the at the Caroline Marshall Draughon Center for the Arts and Humanities in July and September through November of 2018. The lectures were about and took place as follows: “Creek Indian History & Culture in Alabama” by Ms. Alex Colvin (Translated by Dr. Jung Won Hur); “Slavery: America’s Peculiar Institution” by Dr. Keith Hebert (Translated by Minchul Park); “American Civil War” by Dr. Kenneth W. Noe (Translated by Minchul Park); and “Top Ten Things that Koreans Should Know to Better Understand Alabama Culture and Society” by Dr. Wayne Flynt (Translated by Dr. Jung Won Hur)
Events held: March – April, 2018
The Auburn High School World Fair took place on March 23rd, 2018, and it had international students’ parents serve food and play with the younger participants. There was also an International Dinner Event (IWPU) on March 24th, 2018. In addition, the Auburn Creed Translations Project was held on April 24th, 2018.

Student Ambassador
The Student Ambassador Program consists of four Auburn University Students spreading Korean culture and appreciation of Korea across the Auburn University campus and Auburn community. Activities include: developing PowerPoints on Korea to give presentations to the community, assisting with diverse events implemented by the Korea Corner, run Korean Drama Nights, and help the Korea Corner as needed.
Last Updated: February 7, 2025
Korea Corner is located at 2235 Haley Center, Auburn University, AL 36849. Please refer to the map below for directions.