Global Studies in Education
Conference: November 9, 2024

This program, established in 2011, aims to support K-12 teachers in understanding the unique educational needs of Korean students and their parents, while providing opportunities to address those needs. Each summer, around 10 American teachers travel to Korea, where they gain valuable insights into the country’s education system, culture, and society.

  • 2011-2019 Global Studies in Education - South Korea
  • 2023 Global Studies in Education - South Korea
    Discovering Korea: Alabama Educators Embark on a Transformative Journey to South Korea
  • 2024 Global Studeis in Education - South Korea

Study Conference 2024: Bridging Cultures through Education

Join us at Auburn University on November 9, 2024, for the Global Study Conference. This event brings together educators from Alabama and Georgia to share their experiences and insights on global education, with a focus on the impact of the Global Study Program. Participants will engage in discussions, presentations, and cultural exchanges to deepen their understanding of Korean students and their educational needs.

Date: November 9, 2024
Time: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Location: The Hotel at Auburn University and Dixon Conference Center, Legacy Ballroom

Global Study Conference 2024 - Application Form

Register now to participate in this unique opportunity for professional growth and cultural exchange!

Register Now

Last Updated: September 11, 2024