Factbook - Tuition and Fees

Annual Undergraduate Full-Time Tuition and Fees
1980-81 -- 2024-25

Academic Year Resident Non-Resident
1980-81 $660 $1,320
1981-82 990 2,280
1982-83 990 2,280
1983-84 1,050 2,420
1984-85 1,090 2,500
1985-86 1,130 2,585
1986-87 1,220 3,090
1987-88 1,260 3,780
1988-89 1,323 3,969
1989-90 1,476 4,428
1990-91 1,476 4,428
1991-92 1,596 4,788
1992-93 1,755 5,265
1993-94 1,950 5,850
1994-95 2,100 6,300
1995-96 2,250 6,750
1996-97 2,355 7,065
1997-98 2,610 7,740
1998-99 2,820 8,340
1999-00 2,976 8,766
2000-01 3,154 9,254
2001-02 3,380 9,900
2002-03 3,784 11,084
2003-04 4,426 12,886
2004-05** 5,068 14,288
2005-06 5,278 14,878
2006-07 5,496 15,496
2007-08 5,834 16,334
2008-09 6,500 18,260
2009-10 6,972 19,452
2010-11 7,900 21,916
2011-12 8,698 23,290
2012-13 9,446 25,190
2013-14 9,852 26,364
2014-15 10,200 27,384
2015-16 10,424 28,040
2016-17 10,696 28,840
2017-18 10,968 29,640
2018-19 11,276 30,524
2019-20 11,492 31,124
2020-21 11,796 31,956
2021-22 11,826 31,986
2022-23 12,176 32,960
2023-24 12,536 33,944
2024-25 12,890 34,922

Professional programs in Colleges/Schools of Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy, Architecture, Design & Construction, Business and Nursing have different rates.
* Fall, Winter and Spring quarters through 1999-00; Fall and Spring semesters beginning 2000-01.
** From 2004-05 through 2009-10, Annual Tuition & Fees include College Course Fees based upon 15 credit hours for undergraduate students.

Last updated: 06/17/2024