content row

  • Lactation spaces are denoted by red icons.

  • Hover over or click the icon for more information on each space.

  • Additional information on each space is also listed below.

Additional Details




Alumni Center

317 S. College St.

Lynn Pauley, 844-2586

Auburn University Administrative Complex

1550 E. Glenn Ave., Room 1213

Lane Sullivan, (334) 844-4145

Campus Safety & Security Building

543 W. Magnolia Ave., Room 161

Regina Hutchinson, (334) 844-2257

College of Business

425 W. Magnolia Ave, Horton-Hardgrave Hall Room 4087C


College of Nursing

710 S. Donahue Drive, Room 2204

Nancy Harrelson, (334) 844-6767

Comer Hall

181 Roosevelt Drive, Room 104

Amanda Smitherman, (334) 844-3203

Delta Airlines Building

335 Aviation Way, Room 151A

Brooke Barber, 334-811-5766

Foy Hall

282 W. Thatch Concourse, Room 317

(334) 844-4794

Goodwin Hall

320 W. Samford Ave.

Sarah Ferguson, (334) 844-4166

Haley Center

351 Thach Concourse, Room 1002A


Melton Student Center

255 Heisman Drive, 3rd Floor Quiet Area

Taylor Dyleski, (334) 844-1300

Poultry Science

260 Lem Morrison Drive, Room 201B

Lisa Griffin, (334) 844-4133

Ralph Brown Draughon Library

231 Mell St., Room 2320U

Check out the room at the 1st floor circulation desk

Risk Management & Safety, Building 9

1161 W. Samford Ave., Room 157

Ginger Vedder, (334) 844-4870

Ross Hall

222 Foy Union Circle, Room 206

Naomi Gehling, (334) 844-4827 or  Elaine Manning, (334) 844-2014

Rouse Life Sciences Building

120 W. Samford Ave.

Paula Norrell, 844-1627

Upchurch Hall

361 Mell St., Room 210

Policy for AU Employees

  • Employees will be provided reasonable break times to express breast milk for their nursing child for one year after the child’s birth. These break periods will be given each time the employee has a need to express breast milk.

  • An employee lactation room will be provided as a private and sanitary place, other than a bathroom, for employees to express milk during work hours. This room will provide an electrical outlet, a comfortable chair, and nearby access to running water. Employees may use their private office area to express milk, if they prefer.

  • A refrigerator will be made available for safe storage of expressed breast milk. Employees may use their own cooler packs to store expressed breast milk, or may store milk in a designated refrigerator/freezer. Employees should provide their own containers, clearly labeled with name and date. Those using the refrigerator are responsible for keeping it clean.

  • All employees are expected to provide an atmosphere of support for employees who choose to express milk.