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Effective Jan. 1, 2024, Auburn University will offer a minimum hiring rate (MHR) of $15.00 per hour to all regular full-time and part-time University Staff and Administrative & Professional (A&P) employees.

This is an increase from $14.50 per hour, which was approved on Jan. 1, 2022. Employees who make at or slightly above Auburn’s MHR may also receive an increase to recognize their continued service and to keep pace with those receiving a salary adjustment.

Over the last few years, Auburn has taken intentional steps to review and adjust pay and benefits packages to ensure employees are appropriately aligned with the market. The MHR is one example of this.

There will be no impact on student tuition or fees because of the MHR increase. The cost will be covered through a combination of expected budgetary savings and reallocation of resources.

If you have questions, email


Below you will find answers to commonly asked questions about the increase. Email if you have additional questions. 

  • Full-time and part-time regular employees at Auburn University are eligible. 

  • Employees who are not eligible include Faculty, temporary employees, and student employees. 

Employees who make at or slightly above Auburn’s MHR may also receive an increase to recognize their continued service, and to keep pace with those who will receive an adjustment. Additional information will be shared with these employees and their supervisors.

University Human Resources, or UHR, will draft and provide letters to departments to share with their impacted employees in early November. As warranted, we will share additional information with departmental leadership, supervisors, and HR Liaisons.

  • Affected employees who are paid on a biweekly schedule will see the increase in their Jan. 20, 2024, paycheck.

  • Affected employees who are paid on a monthly schedule will see the increase in their Jan. 31, 2024, paycheck.

Changes will be entered programmatically by UHR.

For salaries that are unrestricted, auxiliary, or funded by gifts, units should utilize cumulative reserves or cost savings during the fiscal year to fund the nine months of additional salary and benefit costs. All units should plan for this increase as a part of their FY25 budget preparation.

For salaries that are at least partially funded on existing or proposed contracts/grants, units will need to review documentation to determine if an adjustment is allowable and whether or not there is flexibility within the budget. If additional funding is needed, units should look at cumulative reserves to offset any costs that cannot be covered by the contract/grant. Any future contract/grant proposal should account for the changes.

If you have questions about the content in these FAQs, contact UHR at