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Healthy Tigers Empowers Employees to Live Healthier Lives

Healthy Tigers is Auburn University's employee wellness program. Eligible employees of Auburn University can receive a discount of up to $600 annually if they and their spouse/sponsored adult dependent* (SAD) both participate in the Healthy Tigers screening program and complete all program requirements ($300 for the employee and $300 for the spouse/SAD*).

Please review the information on this website to learn more about the program, or call the Auburn University Pharmaceutical Care Center (AUPCC) at (334) 844-4099. Appointments are coordinated by the AUPCC, located in 2155 Walker Building, Harrison School of Pharmacy, and may be scheduled online (see below).

Wellness is the process of becoming aware of healthy choices and applying that knowledge to create a more successful and balanced lifestyle. AU has many resources to help employees on their wellness journey. Healthy Tigers encourages all eligible employees to take the first step to managing their health and improving life!

* Sponsored adult dependents do not include adult children of employees.

Healthy Tigers News

The Healthy Tiger calendar is posted online. Appointments may be scheduled online at Reminder: Screenings are done once per calendar year, not year to date. If you are unsure if you are due to be screened, please email and include your name and Banner number.

Did you know that approximately 17% of adults and 23% of children in Alabama struggle with food insecurity? Check out the latest edition of PharmPhacts to learn more about food insecurity, and the many resources available within the state of Alabama to help assist families in need.

The AUPCC has the latest Moderna Covid-19 vaccine. It is recommended for anyone age 12 and older who has not received a COVID vaccine since September. To schedule an appointment please call 334-844-4099.
