Faculty Handbook 3.10.3 | Emeritus Status Policy and Procedures. Click to download the Emeritus Guidelines
DESCRIPTION: The unit prepares the narrative portion of the emeritus request upon notice of retirement.
ROLES INVOLVED: Unit personnel
DESCRIPTION: Eligible Departmental faculty should vote on the emeritus request by secret ballot. The vote should be counted as # support, # oppose, # abstain, # not voting
ROLES INVOLVED: Eligible Departmental faculty
CURRENT SYSTEMS: Unit to determine
DESCRIPTION: A request for emeritus is submitted to the Provost’s Office from the dean noting support from the DHC and dean; the faculty vote; the exact emeritus title being requested, and the faculty member’s CV and other documents as provided.
ROLES INVOLVED: Unit personnel
CURRENT SYSTEMS: Microsoft Word, Adobe, Email or AdobeSign
DESCRIPTION: Provost’s Office personnel reviews the request verifying a retirement EPAF has been applied to Banner, 10 years of service and rank at retirement
ROLES INVOLVED: Provost’s Office personnel
DESCRIPTION: The Provost’s Office prepares a memo including the faculty member’s name, department, emeritus title (if approved), departmental vote, administrators in support of the request.
ROLES INVOLVED: Provost, Associate Provost, or Executive Assistant
CURRENT SYSTEMS: Microsoft Word, Adobe PDF
DESCRIPTION: The President indicates approval (or not) by initialing (or not) the memo.
ROLES INVOLVED: President’s Office Personnel
DESCRIPTION: Personnel in the Office of the Registrar include the name and title in the University Bulletin. Personnel in the Office of Institutional Research (OIR) set the Banner Emeritus indicator for post-retirement access.
** DHC is Department Head Chair **