Prior to initiating an HR Action (recruitment, reclassification, or salary alignment), all colleges and central units that report to the Provost’s Office must request approval to proceed via the Position Tracking SmartSheet.
DESCRIPTION: The appropriate personnel from the unit completes the Position Tracking Request in order to:
ROLES INVOLVED: Unit-level personnel as determined within the unit.
CURRENT SYSTEMS: SmartSheet, Internet
DESCRIPTION: SmartSheet generated emails are sent to the Provost’s Office for review of the request for accuracy of form fields; compliance with applicable handbooks and university procedures; funding; and justification for the position.
ROLES INVOLVED: Provost’s Office of Academic Resources personnel
CURRENT SYSTEMS: Email, SmartSheet, Anaplan
DESCRIPTION: If approved, a SmartSheet generated email will be sent to the Position Tracking form initiator indicating approval to proceed with the requested HR Action.
ROLES INVOLVED: Provost’s Office of Academic Resources; Unit-level personnel
CURRENT SYSTEMS: SmartSheet, Email
DESCRIPTION: For recruitment, unit-level personnel proceed with posting in PeopleAdmin. For reclassification or salary alignment, unit-level personnel submit the appropriate forms to AU Compensation & Classification.
ROLES INVOLVED: Unit-level personnel
CURRENT SYSTEMS: PeopleAdmin, SmartSheet, Word, Adobe, Email
DESCRIPTION: Prior to finalizing a hire or completing a reclassification or salary alignment, the unit’s Human Resources Liaison logs into the unit’s Position Tracking SmartSheet and updates the request to include the date of hire, annual salary, funding source (if different than the original request), and the percentage increase if the request is for a reclassification or salary alignment.
ROLES INVOLVED: Unit’s Human Resources Liaison
CURRENT SYSTEMS: SmartSheet, Internet
DESCRIPTION: If approved, a SmartSheet generated email will be sent to the Unit’s Human Resources Liaison indicating approval to proceed.
ROLES INVOLVED: Provost’s Office of Academic Resources; Unit’s Human Resources Liaison
CURRENT SYSTEMS: SmartSheet, Email
** DHC is Department Head Chair **