Human Resources

Getting Started

The instructions below will walk the user through creating a Hiring Proposal for a candidate recommended for hire after recruitment.

  1. To log into the PeopleAdmin website, navigate to the AU Access login page at using your web browser or visit
  2. All Auburn University employees have existing PeopleAdmin accounts, with few exceptions. There is no need to request a new account in most cases. Access to functions of the system are granted by the division’s HR Liaison and the Provost’s Office. If additional access to functions of the system is needed, the request should be made through the division’s HR Liaison.
  3. You will sign in with single sign-on by clicking on AUBIE’s face. Please do NOT request a new account. If you have difficulty signing in request an AU password reset.
  4. If you are already signed in to Auburn’s single sign-on, you will automatically enter PeopleAdmin. Otherwise, you will be prompted to enter your AU credentials.
  5. After logging in, users will be directed to the Welcome Page. Depending on the type of access, users may see different versions of the Welcome Page. Hover over the “user group” in the upper righthand corner and select your user group.
  6. Select Faculty from the Postings Dropdown.
  7. From the list of postings, you can click on the title of the posting you want to view or you can use the Search bar to search for the posting you want to view.
  8. Select the Applicants tab.
  9. Select the name of the candidate you want to view. Confirm that the candidate’s workflow status is Recommended for Hire. See PeopleAdmin Reviewing Applications for instructions to update a candidate’s workflow status.

Creating a Hiring Proposal

Open the application for the candidate recommended for hire. Hover over the Take Action on Job Application button and select +Start Full-Time Faculty Hiring Proposal.

Hiring Proposal Details

After selecting +Start Full-Time Faculty Hiring Proposal, the following pages are the Hiring Proposal Details.

When you first enter this screen, you will be in the “Hiring Proposal Details” section. Some information will prepopulate from the posting. There are a number of required fields notated by as asterisk and red outline. The form may not be submitted until these fields are complete.

You can navigate through the sections of the Hiring Proposal using the sidebar menu or the save / save & continue button. You can save your changes by selecting save / save & continue button.

Hiring Proposal

Candidate Information

Some information will prepopulate from the posting. Required fields will be notated by as asterisk and red outline. The form may not be submitted until these fields are complete.

  • If this candidate is a foreign national, the Prevailing Wage and Controlled Technology form must be uploaded in the Documents section of the Hiring Proposal.
  • Legal Name (if different from application): please enter the legal name in the designated field IF the name appears to be different than the application name provided. To assist you in accomplishing this, review the background check information provided, other official documentation, and/or follow-up with the selected candidate to determine legal name to the best of your ability. (new July 2022)

Position Information

Some information will prepopulate from the posting. Required fields will be notated by as asterisk and red outline. The form may not be submitted until these fields are complete.

Hiring Proposal

Some information will prepopulate from the posting. Required fields will be notated by as asterisk and red outline. The form may not be submitted until these fields are complete.

Account Distribution

Use this field to indicate the amount budgeted and the corresponding FOAP for this position. At least one entry is required. The Background Check FOAP is required and may be different than the budgeted FOAP.

When you have finished with this section, click save / save & continue buttons.

Early Appointment (9-month faculty) (Optional, new May 2022)

This section of the Hiring Proposal is only to be completed for faculty who are hired on a 9-month appointment who have negotiated their start date to be prior to August 16th. In order for a faculty member on a 9-month appointment to be paid during the May 16-August 15th pay periods, they must have a Summer Faculty (SF) job added to payroll.

Start Date: The 1st or 16th day of the months between May and August

End Date: The 15th or last day of the months between May and August. Typically August 15th.

Position Number: SF####

Total Amount to be Paid for early appointment: The actual amount to be paid over the date range in the Early Appointment section

Transition Moving Allowance: Enter the transition allowance amount that was agreed upon in the offer letter ONLY IF the faculty member has negotiated a start date prior to August 16th AND the department wants to pay the transitional allowance prior to the August 31st payroll. Otherwise, enter the Transition Allowance amount in the Position Information section of the Hiring Proposal.

FTE (Full Time Equivalency): Enter the FTE for the date range in the Early Appointment section

Number of Pays for Early Appointment: How many Semi-monthly pay periods are within the date range in the Early Appointment section (count as the 1st-15th and 16th-end of the month)

When you have finished with this section, click save / save & continue buttons.


This section of the Hiring Proposal will be used to create the new faculty member’s employment record in Banner. Utilize the drop-down fields to complete this section:

Tenure Status:: Select whether the faculty member is being hired in a position Eligible for Tenure (tenure track), hired with Tenure (see Guidelines for Submission of Tenure on Hire Requests to the University Promotion and Tenure Committee), or hired in a position that is Not Eligible for Tenure (non-tenure track).

Rank: Select the appropriate rank for this faculty member:

  • 10 = all professors; to include archive, clinical, extension, library, research
  • 20 = all associate professors; to include archive, clinical, extension, library, research
  • 30 = all assistant professors; to include archive, clinical, extension, library, research
  • 40 = Instructors, lecturers, professors of practice
  • 50 = all visiting appointments; including professorial, scholar, instructor, lecturer, and emeritus
  • 00 = Postdoctoral Teaching Fellows, Postdoctoral Fellows

Effective Date: Input the date of hire


Utilize this section to upload the documents that are part of the candidate’s new hire paperwork. The following are required with the Hiring Proposal for review:

To upload a document, select the Action link to the right of the Document Type and select how you’d like to upload the document:

You have three options for attaching your document(s):

  • (Recommended) Upload New button to locate a document on your computer hard drive, CD, etc. Selecting the Browse button will allow you to browse for a Microsoft Word (.doc), Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), Text (.txt) or other formats. Once you have selected the file, you can click on the Submit button to upload your document.
  • You may click on the Create New button to manually type or copy and paste your document into the text box. This can be used when you do not have a document in one of the formats listed above. You may name your document by using the Description box. Once you are finished entering your document, click the Submit button. The system will prompt you to review your document and confirm that you want to attach it. Select the Confirm button to upload your document or the Edit button to add or delete information from your document.
  • You may click on the Choose Existing button to browse for a document that has previously been selected and uploaded. Select the appropriate document and click the Submit button to upload your document.

Once your document is uploaded, you may view or remove your attached document by clicking on the Actions link next to the document. Select the Show link to view your document. To remove an attached document, click on the Unassign link then select OK. You may only unassign if you were the one who attached them.

When you have finished adding documents for this posting, click save / save & continue buttons.


After completing the Hiring Proposal or by clicking on Summary, the system will take you to a summary page where you can move the hiring proposal through the approval process. Utilize this section to review all the information submitted for this Hiring Proposal.

If changes need to be made, select the Pencil Icon (representing Edit Posting Details) and you will be taken back to that section in the Hiring Proposal.

When the Hiring Proposal is ready to be sent to the next approval level, place your cursor over the Take Action On Hiring Proposal button at the top right side of the page. Based on your security level, options will appear.

The recommended workflow is as follows: Hiring Manager > Dept Head or HR Liaison > HR Liaison or Dept Head > Dean or HR Liaison > Provost > Approved to Make Conditional Offer

To transition the Hiring Proposal to the next reviewer, select the appropriate user role from the drop down list. When the confirmation box appears, add any necessary Comments (Optional) and click Submit.

If you have not answered a required question in the Hiring Proposal an error message will appear at the top of your screen.

Select the Pencil Icon (representing Edit Posting Details) and you will be taken back to the Hiring Proposal.

When this process is complete, go to the summary page to submit the posting to the next level for approval as described above.

When the workflow status of your Hiring Proposal is Approved to Make Conditional Offer, the department, dean, and the Provost’s Offices have reviewed and approved the Hiring Proposal. The department head/chair may contact the candidate with an official offer of employment. The candidate should be given the offer letter for review and response (accept or decline).

If the candidate declines the offer, please update the Hiring Proposal workflow status to Offer Declined.

If the candidate accepts the offer, they should sign and return the offer letter to the department. The Hiring Manager or HR Liaison will update the Hiring Proposal workflow to Offer Accepted. The Hiring Manager or HR Liaison will instruct the candidate to complete the background check and, for tenure track appointments, will begin routing the Faculty Tenure Agreement for signatures through AdobeSign. The Hiring Manger or HR Liaison will update the Hiring Proposal workflow to Background Check Requested.

When the results of the background check are available in TrueScreen, the appropriate person will review the results; upload the Background Check Cover Sheet, Signed Offer Letter, fully executed Faculty Tenure Agreement (if applicable), candidates CV (if not already uploaded to the Hiring Proposal), and official transcripts of all graduate coursework (if not already uploaded to the Hiring Proposal); and update the Hiring Proposal workflow to Background Check Complete.

When the Hiring Proposal workflow status is Background Check Complete, the candidate is issued a Banner ID and GID. The Hiring Proposal is updated. If all documents listed above are uploaded, the Provost’s Office will update the workflow status to Hired. If not, the Provost’s Office will update the workflow status to Pending Final Documents. Candidates will not be Hired until all documents are uploaded in the Hiring Proposal in PeopleAdmin.

When the Hiring Proposal workflow status is Hired, the Hiring Proposal and candidate are assigned an Onboarding Specialist who will manage the new faculty member’s Onboarding Events.

Last updated: March 11, 2024