Our Goal: 'Everyday Excellence'
Last August, the theme of our inaugural HR Conference was “Everyday Excellence.” It quickly became a central refrain for our department.
As we reflect on our recent accomplishments and look ahead to our future projects, we remain committed to achieving “Everyday Excellence” in everything that we do.
We invite you to take a few minutes to review this report. We’re proud to share our many achievements from the past year. Here are a few examples:
Our Compensation and Classification team completed the multi-year market study, which resulted in salary increases for over 1,300 employees.
Our Benefits team launched a High Deductible Health Plan with a Health Savings Plan option for our eligible employees. Over 800 employees selected the HDHP during Open Enrollment.
Our newly formed Talent Acquisition team (Employment) has made significant strides toward acquiring the best employees for Auburn.
Our HR Development team is working with units across campus to modernize performance development and expand professional development opportunities for employees through ElevatED, our employee education center.
Our Campus Relations team continues to work with HR Liaisons and professionals across campus to ensure that we best serve all employees.
There are many other achievements that we are pleased to share in this report. We appreciate your contributions and your feedback.
Together, we are helping Auburn fulfill its mission of serving our communities, the states, and the world!
Learn More About Our Units
Triple Focus
UHR units are beginning to harness the power of artificial intelligence, or AI, to improve processes. In fact, UHR was a prime supporter of AI Day on the Plains in January. HR Development also offers multiple AI courses through ElevatED, Auburn's Employee Education Center.
UHR it taking significant steps to improve our processes. For example, Employment and the Onboarding Center are identifying ways to make the onboarding process more efficient for new employees and their units.