Classroom Upgrades


Mell Classroom Building

In conjunction with The Biggio Center and the Ralph B. Draughn Library, the Office of Information Technology spent much of early 2018 helping create Engaged Active Student Learning, or EASL, classrooms in the newly constructed Mell Classroom Building.

These classrooms include embedded screens in the walls that have glass coverings so they can be written on with dry erase markers. There are also two large mobile monitors in the center of each and smart projectors. This technology, combined with the specific table shapes that allow for unique room configurations, truly encourage interactive learning and engagement in the classroom.

 Teacher pointing at screen in Mell classroom.

Student writing on screen in Mell classroom.
 Teacher pointing at screen in Mell classroom.

Teacher presenting to a class in Mell classroom.
Therapy room in the Marriage and Family Therapy Building

Marriage & Family Therapy Building

The Glanton House, home of the Marriage and Family therapy program, recently underwent a technical renovation to better help students engage with, and learn from, sessions. Where therapy rooms previously just had two-way glass, they now contain cameras so that observers can monitor from a room not next door. This upgrade is not just for the observers, though. Clients now have the ability to use lower floor therapy rooms while observation remains upstairs, and this is a great step toward making this service more accessible.


Building Sciences

In the Miller Gorrie Center, 2018 brought several classroom upgrades, the most notable of which is the Construction Visualization Lab. This lab, powered by Mezzanine by Oblong, boasts a curved wall display with edgeless monitors that can function independently or as one unit. There are additional screens to either side of the room as well as a smart projector. Students can connect directly to the screens and work through problems with the professor to get the most out of these labs.

Teacher presenting to students in the Construction Visualization Lab.

Other Classroom Upgrades

While those listed above are among the most notable, the Office of Information Technology completed more than 50 classroom upgrades throughout 2018, spending upwards of $1,000,000, to bring better technology to students and teachers alike.

Last Updated: February 23, 2021